Slow LIVE Chess Week-End Tournaments at Time for a Chess Revolution

Slow LIVE Chess Week-End Tournaments at Time for a Chess Revolution

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I have been wondering for some time about how to recreate an environnment similar to a slow 90|30 OTB week-end tournament on the internet. Of course, doing what we've been doing so far, that is, running slow LIVE tourneys with one game per week or one game every two weeks to be played, is not too bad. At least, this is slow 90|30 (or 45|45) LIVE chess, after all. This is close to slow OTB chess as long as one can recreate a surrounding that would be favourable to one's concentration span. 

However, playing one round per week or every two weeks is not to everyone's taste. That's ok for many of us, but for others, having to schedule a game in advance and actually play it seems to be complicated, if not out of reach. The high number of players who can't qualify to play regularly in those leagues, either because they can't negotiate the day and time for a game or simply show up for it is a clear indication of the snag that makes us lose tens of valuable slow LIVE players. This is something that I have been experimenting with for almost one year with DHLC and with my own group, the  Slow Live Chess Association

It's one of the members (Car0nte, an official TD in the USCF) in the SLCA who has hold my attention with an interesting(!) formula to recreate conditions similar to those of a slow OTB week-end tournament's: a slow LIVE 90|30 week-end event on! Yeah...! How simple! All of sudden, everything has become crystal clear. What better than a week-end tournament to get all the advantages of a week-end tournament!? Thus, it's been decided that we will organize a 4 round slow LIVE 90|30 week-end tournament that will take place Saturday, May 31 (rounds 1 & 2) and Sunday, June 1 (rounds 3 & 4). This very first 90|30 LIVE week-end tournament at will be specifically aimed at the Americas' time zone but any one can join and play. If the experience is conclusive, this formula might be spreaded in other time zones all over the world.

We may be about to be witness of a chess revolution at For those interested to know more about this or even sign up, feel free to join the Slow LIVE Chess Association by clicking our crest above. We will accept the late sign ups until two hours before round 1 begins.


Sylvain Courtemanche;

aka zugzwang67

Sylvain Courtemanche

I love chess. I love it so much that playing the game is not enough. I also need to promote it. This is why I arrange chess tourneys as much as I can. There was a time where I organized OTB events. One never knows, I may return to it. 

But for now, I am arranging online tourneys via the '' Slow LIVE Chess Association '' here, on ChessDotCom. It gives me the opportunity to play longer games with increment.

Incidentally I think ChessDotCom have been blundering in a terrible way since they cancelled Time Control G45|45 and replaced it with the deceptive G60|0. This is like going backward 50 years while making all those new post-pandemic chess enthusiastics believe that this is real chess. That it is normal to lose a game up a piece or a full rook. It's time to rehabilitate G45|45, and even cancel G60|0.

Some may ask: '' Ok, but what are you doing on ChessDotCom as a Diamond member? '' The dull answer is that ChessDotCom is the best chess site in the world. Period. And I strongly support their efforts in providing a clean and safe environment dedicated to chess. Moreover, they answered '' present! '' when organizers like me found themselves with no place to set-up  chess events during the pandemic. That will never be forgotten by me.

As a chess player, I'm a 1.e4 player as White, while I typically use the KID set-up when facing 1.d4 as Black. I try to focus on squares rather then only on the material. As many players, it happens too often that I gain an advantage but fail to find a path to the win. Also, I get lost if I'm not better after the opening

Sylvain Courtemanche; AKA zugzwang67