
Tournament Gear You Use?


What tournament chess set and board do you use?

Do you bring wooden pieces or plastic pieces?

I don't really have any tournament gear, but just bought a DGT2010 clock today (thanks to an Amazon gift card for that one!) and I have two House of Staunton chess sets with nice wooden pieces (a Rekjavik II set in a tiroir and a Hastings set with a travel bag) but I think lugging around a full size .5" thick elm board or a giant tiroir isn't really the way to go. But, I could possibly see getting a vinyl board and bringing the wooden pieces I'm most used to playing with?


  Well I am not a tournament player, but I will add my two cents anyway jhb.  Cool

   I have a vinyl 20" board with white/burgundy squares and a traditional Staunton triple-weighted White/Black set with accompanying travel bag and score book. I still need a clock, even though I don't play much OTB, but it's just to finish off the set.

   I also have a HoS Boxwood/Rosewood replica Fischer/Spassky '72 set on a walnut board which is also my main study/training set.

   I mix and match the pieces sometimes depending on the mood. The Fischer set looks great on the white/burgundy board.

   Add those two sets to the many (8) other travel sets that decorate my chess office and I can pretty much use and bring whichever ones I want.  Cool  I will be taking digital pics of my newly decorated office and posting them on here within the next day or so.



Awesome, yes please post some pics of your gear!