
Catching up


Here is the thing. My two friends who are both rated in a range of 2000 - 2100 are my age but started playing like 5 -6 years ago, so they are talented. Me not so much couse i started a yer ago and rated 1600. I train ( following my own made schedule so its not random learning) like 5 hours a day and they spend like 1 hour watching games and anylising (so do i besides something else over the day course. year from now i will have like 1600 hours of directed study according to theirs 300, how close will i be to reaching 2000????


i'm not sure anyone can give you an accurate answer.

what is your age? that matters a good a lot. What is your training? that matters even more.


Don't worry about amassing some arbitrary prescribed number of hours...that stuff is inane.

AndyClifton wrote:

Don't worry about amassing some arbitrary prescribed number of hours...that stuff is inane.

speaking of this at one point in my "chess career" i started this regimented training schedule where i would do X number of problems and i would look at x number of games and play x number of games. It really killed my enjoyment of chess. now i just do whatever I feel like and i've been improving a good bit.