
A New Try Against The Berlin?


It is not often that the winds of fashion blow softly. The winds are not always blowing, but when they do, they often blow full sail. From the time of the Berlin's invention, Grandmasters have been looking for a way to subvert it. One way is d3, its okay, but the bizarro variations of the Ruy Lopez are not dynamic either. They offer a sort of Carlsen swamp, where the minutest advantage for white can snowball into a win. That kind of play is not for everybody, but what chances does a young master have of coming up with the refutation of the Berlin, or at least a new line that gives white more chances to win? Maybe not much, but I've given it a good try, with surprising results. I have come up with three possible options to play against the Berlin Wall.


Bump. I just want to discuss the Berlin. I don't want any hate.