
Is anything better for me than the Parham?


What do you suggest should be played? Looks like 9.Bxf7+ puts white at a disadvantage to me.  

ChristianSoldier007 wrote:

chess should be about constructive advice and players helping one another instead of throwing around rocks and insults :)

So should the UN (except all these pesky wars keep springing up)...

whatupyodog wrote:

After nxd4, white is better, and d5 just hangs a pawn.

After Nxd4 the position is equal and after d5 black has sacrificed a pawn for an advantage. Engines back me up on this.

6... d5 -0.15 Rybka depth 16.    About equal, black has an extremely slight advantage

9... d5 -0.96 Rybka depth 12. Black has a giant advantage.

10... d5 -0.23 Rybka depth 12. Black is still slightly better.


11. Nxd4 -0.04 Rybka depth 12. Equal.


None of these values are positive, thus, white has failed to gain any advantage out of the opening.


Don't trust comp evaluations of the opening though...


I don't even need to. I see 1. e4 e5 2. Qh5 and I evaluate that black is better Laughing in any ensuing position. I just use engines to convince them of this evaluation when they claim that my play is "garbage", to quote whatupyodog.


Oh right, that's the anti-spam guy. Smile


Shepi, that is because your play is garbage and i dont give a shit about what an engine says. GM3000, uf i wanted to lose in 20 moves i would play the kings gambit, and i am not a fan of the evans gambit and the scotch seems to be passive in many lines but i will look more into it.


Alexlaw, christiansoldier lost that game, you don't freaking checkmate in a bongcloud game, to quote the bongcloud rulebook:

8. Checkmate is a LOSS for the Checkmating player.


Yes, it usually helps to learn the rules, doesn't it? You were winning the kingside race anyways, so it was a meek attempt to keep up with you.


I love you guys. You are so good at talking, so eloquent. Especialy you The_Gavinator:

Hope, I will see you IM one day. Or politician. So, take care.


Outstanding game The_Gavinator, there was nothing he could do after 2. Qh5, it was just lost for black after e5.


@whatupyodog and The_Gavinator, that game was horrible. This opening is horrible. His opponent played horrible. The opening works good against low rated players.

            Also if you don't think that computers are bad then play the Parham against it.


The answer to the OP is of course, "yes."  Most things are better.  But since 34 pages of debate followed, I assume you don't want to hear it.  Makes the post an odd one.


I'd like to see you beat a computer. How is this opening horrible? Nobody has found a line against it that doesn't lose material or give black horrible position, and that opponent played fine, he just can't handle the Parham.


The point is Black can handle the position. The problem with it is that White has nothing but equality.


That's why I won material on the 3rd move?


He hung a piece.


Alexlaw, all of those were 3mins or under, and all but one you won on time. This is regular time controls, and was won by checkmate, anyone can move their king around for 2 minutes and win on time.


You're rated like 500 points higher than me. Yourself, being a 1900 player, can sit there and move his king back and forth against people 500 points below them and defend accurately against attacks so he can time them out. That don't prove shit.

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