
Some Sicilian Dragon Ideas: Looking for a move for white help.


So I've been looking at the Sicilian Dragon Yugoslav Variation for the past few hours and I'm disgusted how many of the lines favor black. It's like ridiculous. The opening is so aggressive and black gets so much on the queenside. I feel like the wing attack is the wrong plan even.

It seems white has serious difficulties after b5 due to a queen sac in one of the variations, but it looks like white should have more play. Let me elaborate on some of the lines in lower posts.


If I was white here, I would have no holds barred: 15. Bxc4 Rxc4 and I'd have to decide between Rxd6 and Nxd6.


This is a joke, right? You can't sac the Exchange like this and expect to win, and furthermore, do you even know chess theory here? Like material is good?




I am no Dragon guru, so excuse me if I'm wrong on this, but isn't 7.Bc4 a mistake?  Can't Black play 7...Ng4 now since he has the f8-square for the King in the event of the Bb5+ (the move that busts 6...Ng4)?


I would think White should play 7.f3 and 8.Qd2 before playing 9.Bc4.  Of course, White can also play 9.O-O-O or 9.g4, but since we are talking an early Bc4 line, I would assume White would play 9.Bc4 here.