
The Scotch


Any Scotch players out there w/ suggestions, favorite move orders,advice?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


I've been playing the Scotch for a while now.  I'm by no means an expert, but I tend to like open games and endgames and the scotch usually gives me good chances.  I've started playing the scotch gambit in live games since the lead in development tends to be a bigger advantage in faster time controls.

I'd love to learn more about the Scotch from experienced players as well. 


i like the scotch gambit lines better. i think black has a relativly easier game in the normal scotch.


I like the Scotch - Goring Gambit, because White gets to develop his Queen's knight to c3 with a recapture. There is also the possibility of a fun/tricky combination, and Black loses the right to castle. However, neither side has an advantage, as both kings are safe.

In the line below, the queen's knight develops to d2.



I especially like this line in the Scotch Gambit, where there is a really cool pawn push by White, 9.d5, that creates a nice problem for Black to solve. 


I like the Steinitz Variation for black.

Lots of people in the forums here said it's not sound, because top level players never play it. I thought it was a pity that it has never been tested at a high level.

So, I did the next best thing... I'm in an engine game with cofail, hes playing White (Houdini), and I'm using Stockfish2 for Black.

Black's game was difficult, and white never lost the advantage, But I think it's headed for a draw now. So, I think it's a valid defense if it can draw against the strongest engine, although maybe too difficult for a human.

Musikamole wrote:

I like the Scotch - Goring Gambit, because White gets to develop his Queen's knight to c3 with a recapture. There is also the possibility of a fun/tricky combination, and Black loses the right to castle. However, neither side has an advantage, as both kings are safe.

In the line below, the queen's knight develops to d2.


4 d5 as black in that line, and black fares well if not better imo


I guess the Goring Gambit is only propitious if Black moves his dark bishop towards the center.  And if he doesn't it seems like it will be tough for white nay?