
why d4 is better than e4

Adi8697 wrote:

Of course e4 is a very flexible move. It depends on the player what he wants to play and there has many option. e4 has ruy Lopez... e4 has lolly attack... e4 has scotch gambit... And many more openings... But I have to say that d4 is more safe playable move because there is no chance to play sicilian defence by the black side player.... So white can play more safely on that game.... If we see the statistics between what is the best move e4 and d4... There comes 54% of e4 and 56% to d4...... So we all know why d4 is better than e4... But I have to say that my personal favourite move of opening is e4

You can see my forum - Chess - Basic Openings.


it's all about what side you want to develop 1st. kingside or queenside.

Tidobruce wrote:

it's all about what side you want to develop 1st. kingside or queenside.

Playing 1.e4, or 1.d4 doesn't really dictate what side gets developed first.

Colin20G wrote:
Destroyer942 wrote:
pfren wrote:

d4 is better than e4 because patzers like blaming their openings for their failures. Later on, when they switch to d4 and still lose, come to the conclusion that 1.Nh3 is the best first move by far.

This was written 7 years ago but is still the perfect reply. Congratulations sir, you have wisdom that could rival that of Darth Plagueis the wise.

nh3 is very weak in comparison of good moves like 1.c3!! since you don't try to actually control the center


I know, the person commenting 7 years ago was being sarcastic. The point is that what openings you use isn't nearly as important as how well you use them, so it is funny when beginners blame the opening for their loss. Magnus Carlsen has beaten Grand masters with all sorts of weird, unexpected openings.


I entered this post to know why 1d4 is better than 1e4, but, surprise! The first post of the thread has been deleted. So I wont know why?sad.png

congrandolor wrote:

I entered this post to know why 1d4 is better than 1e4, but, surprise! The first post of the thread has been deleted. So I wont know why?

d4 isn't better then e4, it's just that at beginner levels people tend to suck more against d4 then e4.


Even at 1700, d4 scores better than e4. Most defends with QGD which is passive. Indian defenses are tougher.

congrandolor wrote:

I entered this post to know why 1d4 is better than 1e4, but, surprise! The first post of the thread has been deleted. So I wont know why?


I'm pretty sure there was never a first post (or - at least - anything of substance; they just went asldfjalkdsjf and then deleted it for the old "comment deleted" bumper). It's a troll thread that nevertheless continues to generate interest and actual chess discussion. So it's actually a positive troll.


you might as well argue over apples or bananas! it doesn't matter!!


Or Kangaroo steaks and kumquats.

Tidobruce wrote:

you might as well argue over apples or bananas! it doesn't matter!!

Apples and bananas matter a lot!


should i continue playing e4?


should i continue playing e4?


should i play d4 ??? y??


Play whatever the hell you want. I guarantee it isn't your first move that's keeping you back.


This post is 7 years old lol ofc things have changed a lot