
Reveal Chess revisited


As I have mentioned in a previous post "Reveal Chess - Chinese chess variant", the starting position is really very random, very much more so than a Chess960 game. In fact there are 11,596,762,604 starting positions - so many that every human being on earth can own 1656 of them !! If it is for pure recreation, this produces very unsymmetrical games and luck plays a greater part in the outcome.


Where can I find any description of this on the internet? Googling only brings me to your two positings here.

I do get hits on 'Chinese Dark Chess', however. But this is not the game you describe, although it has similar aspects (it is played on a 4x8 board).



There isn't any material in English about this game on the internet . If you really want to know more, I can borrow a book from the public library and show you some photos about how this game works. The book is in Chinese but I 'll try to help as far as I can .


       For instructional purposes, I'll break the rules. Staff may delete this, because your not sapost to mention other chess sites on THIS site, but try chess


         I like your idea; Can YOU extend it to a larger board so you can play 4-way reveal chess?


It would already be helpful to have material about this on the internet in Chinese. Google translate for Chinese is pretty poor, but now I am used to its peculiarities, I can usually make some sense of it. (E.g. I now know that "to eat the children" means "capture pieces". Smile ) That would be more helpful than scans of a book, where the kanji become images, which cannot be subjected to automated translation.


In which case feel free to google "盖棋" which is the name of this variant (lit. "covered chess".)

I also feel compelled to say "eat children" (子) is Google translate being dumb and nothing to do with cannibalism. 吃 (chi) means to eat, or in context to capture, and 子 (zi) refers to 棋子 (qi zi), chess pieces, although the word 子 in isolation has numerous meanings, one of which is "child".


For all of you who are interested in Reveal Chess, I have prepared some explanatory notes and posted them in the "Other" section of Downloads.