Forums a healthy community and the other half


If you have ever played online video games like League of Legends, then you know that in every game people insult eachother, because the outcome of the game does not only depend on your individual skill.

However angry people will always be angry people.
So I gathered some comments that I found and made a small picture. Have  good laugh.

I´m new to this chess site, but so far I love the community here and think this is one of the best chess sites out there! Stay awesome guys! :)

PS. For bonus awesome points find "Fluminense" and tell him he is a true gentleman! :D

(I kept finding his good comments on random peoples accounts, even if they insulted him.)


You can zoom into the picture by holding "Ctrl" and pressing "+" button or scrolling up with the mouse wheel.

Or view it here:


       CRAP!   Now I have to figure out if I'm part of the "healthy community" OR, part of the "other half"....Undecided?.... Decisions, Decisions.


No problem, let me share some love to help clarify matters! :D

