
set up position on Fritz


I need help. I want to set up endgame positions on Fritz and be able to go to them and practice against the computer. I know how to do "position set up" but I can't figure out how to save it and find it in a database and then play against the computer new everytime.  I have fritz 12 and chessbase. If you can help it would be great.


you could save position by simply saving it as a pgn file

File>(with the diskette icon) Save->'.pgn'

the computer will make its move by pressing the spacebar

another way of saving a chess position is through the use of forsyth notation

In the chessbase interface > edit> copy> copy position

you should get a notation like this:

"8/5ppp/8/5PPP/k7/8/8/K7 w - - 0 0"

you should save this kind of notation in notepad or something

u can simply paste the position by pressing Ctrl+V in the chessbase interface


Thank you for responding. I will try this at home when I get off work. I may have more questions.