
Opinions on the endgame?


hi here is a position that is nearing the endgame(sort of) I had in a game i played as black, it is black to move and my question is , does the resulting endgame seem like it may be a draw or is it unclear and why? My opponent blundered so did not get to see , here is the full game if you would like to see .


I think it was still pretty even. Your coming Re2 was intended as a lever to get you onto thte 7th rank but I couldn't find any ways to make progress because your d pawn is weak.


Endgames are difficult judge who is better or worst, in this endgame it seem white is better but black is more active and have more space, black needs to play accurate to achieve his advantage.


Endgames are extremely difficult to play and easily can ruin an advantage.


Thanks for the comments, and yes around my rating if a game is not lost by a tactical blunder the endgame is a decisive factor . Also, when you say "white is better" do you mean from an engine point of view ? because you go on to say that black has to play accurate to achieve the advantage .


@yureesystem white can play Re5 and there goes your ...c5 ideas. My rook is coming to c5 eventually and black is screwed


What about Re5 Rd4 ?


nevermind Rc5 is still played Rc5 Re4 , there is a mate threat so Kf1 , g2 , h2 , if Kh1 Re2 and the d-pawn falls it seems . 


 Re5  Rd4 Rc5 Re4! and now g3 Re2 is unclear actually. Rxc6 Rxd2 Rxc7 Ra2 is complicated. Probably Re4 is better since now c5 b5 is fine for white


@ Equiv, what I mean is black need a good plan or black can lose the d3-pawn and might even have a worst position. Accuracy is important and having a plan, playing aimlessly is way to lose in the endgame.


I think white is much better in the diagram position (from my flawed but practical human point of view).

White can trade both rooks and is left with bishop pair + a weak d3 pawn to attack, while black doesn't have any clear target nor very active pieces.


@ Ajian, not easy as it looks, your rook to e5 looks like it refute blak plan but the problem is the back-rank and d3-pawn, black has a enough counter-play to give white troubles.


These endgame are complicated and white needs to be careful.


that's why i corrected myself in a comment before. But also in your game white can play g3 not Kf1 and deny black the key tempo from mate threat


@ajian, I think I cover this move too, look at the notice 3.g3 Re2.


 I tink is more a draw with best play, it is funny black pieces are not really active but it is the pawn on d3-pawn that give black all the counter-attack.


in your g3 line white should play  8. Kf3! (instead of c5) 8...Ke5 9. Ke3! shouldering away and winning the d2 pawn and the game, or 7. Kf1 when 7...Rc1+ is met by 8.Ke2 also winning


@Ajian, we not looking for the best move for both side but this endgame difficult.


I sure there are many possibilities, black d3-pawn is weakness and black using tactics to confuse the situation. Otb game not so easy to calculate all the possibilities.


Yeah, but in the ending that you showed white is better, with no risk. It might not be a win but white's got all the chances. also after a5 white can play b5 right?


Thanks for the analyses guys appreciate it :)


I believe this is won for White, who has a very clear plan. Clear the rooks, take the overextended pawn, and push the majority on the Queenside. It's probably not that easy though.

Of course that is all based on an overall view. I didn't really try any concrete lines.