
Lets play Chess for Worlddomination! (Risk)


For some time it seems like a fun idea to play Chess on a Riskboard. Instead of rolling dice the players will play a game of Chess to decide who wins the territory.

There are still some practical issues to solve before such a game can be played, but to me it seems like a fun concept. 

If you are not familiar with Risk, then these are the rules you must know:
- Players start by choosing one of 42 territories untill every territory is taken
- Players attack a territory by announcing their attack, to see if they succeed a chess game is played.
- If you own a continent you will get rewarded at the start of your turn
- When you attack a territory you can buy an extra advantage 


How to play Risk Chess?

These rules seemed fun to me, but all these rules are open to debate. Please tell if you know a better way.

1) Each player chooses a territory, which repeats untill all 42 are taken. The player who's first letter is closest to A may start.

The Map: copy and paste this map to MS Paint and fill the countries with the colour you want. You can save it and upload to or use (copy/paste pics straight to internet).

2) The player who's turn it is may attack one territory that is connected to one of his. The attacking player always plays with black. If the attacker wins he will conquer the territory of the opponent and recieves an attack token.

Attack tokens can be earned by winning a territory or by owning continents at the start of your turn. These attack tokens can be used when a player attacks:
1 token = attacker plays with white
2 tokens = attacker plays with black and wins on a draw or win
3 tokens = attacker plays with white and wins on a draw or win

Continent value (tokens/turn):
Australia - 2 tokens
South America - 2 tokens
Afrika - 3 tokens
Europe - 5 tokens
North America - 5 tokens
Asia - 7 tokens 

3) Goal of the game: thats up to the participants. I would say 60-80% of all territories is enough to be sure someone will dominate the world.

Practical stuff

First issue is the timesetting. Personally I think 30/0 is a good time as it makes it a real game, and it doesnt take all day. Would it matter if people decide together that a bullet game is enough?

2nd issue: meeting up. Players will have to make an appointment or look eachother up in Live Chess (friendslist?). In general I would recommend that if you want to play this game, you team up with 6 people from the same timezone (or preference time to play). 

Also players will have to update the gameboard when an attack is made. Before the game the attacking player announces on the forum which territory is being attacked + how many tokens are used. The amount of tokens each player is public, so that has to be updated after a game too.


Or let a player attack more if he wants to? That would lead to infinite attacking when it's the strongest player's turn..


This seems cool. For the picking order do I use the R as my first letter?


I think the number of troops could create a sliding scale for the time. More troops attacking means more time