
Analyze help


Hey I played a game recently which I lost, I have tried to analyze the game, but I didn't quite know how I started to loose. So I hoped you guys/girls could help me analyze my game below. I am playing black btw. This is my thought on my differents move:

5. d6 opening access for my bishop+ get ready to attack the center with my pawns.
6. c5 attacking the center.
7. Attacking the center and develope a minor piece.
8. develope the last minor piece and get a new piece in to the action.
9. Getting my queen involved, maybe do a move like bxh3? and i also connect my rooks
10. waiting move and maintain a strong pawn structure
11.Bd5 to be honest I think this was a bad move, would be better to do Rab8, or Rfe8 to make my rooks more active.
12. Retreating my bishop.
13.My bishop was trapped and I took with my knight since I thought my bishop would be nicer since it would have a diogonal against my opponents castled position.
18.A better move would be Rad8 protecting the d5 square.
19. A MUCH better move would be e6 instead of Kh8
20. forced to take, since I don't want to loose my queen with Kg8,Ne5+ and a lost queen.
21. I think Bxh3 would be better if queen trade i earn a pawn if he takes I completely ruin his king's safety.
24. E5 I think would be better since it defend that pawn and make his black bishop complete useless.
25. Bxd3 my bishop has no good place to be and when he retakes I can threaten his queen and my rook will have control on that open d-file.
27. c4 a BAD move. Much better would be e5 making his bishop useless.
28. Qb6 didn't liked he pinned my Knight.
29. A better move would be Re8 or maybe e5.
31. Here it is pretty much lost.








Thanks in advice

PS: I know it's a puzzle just click "solutions" to see my+ my opponents move.



Next time, use "Game or sequence of moves" from the diagram menu.

Basically, you made moves that lost material.   However, it looked as though you didn't have a plan after move 6 or 7.  If you're going to play an opening setup like the fianchatto, d6, and c5, you should figure the principles behind it and what you're trying to accomplish. 

8 ... Be6 isn't a good place for the Bishop yet, as it blocks the e-pawn.  You might capture the d-pawn instead.

14 ... Be6? is a mistake, losing a piece.  14 ... Nxe4! is better.  15 c4 is met by Nxd2.

18 ... f6? is an error that loses material.  You have the right idea in wanting to drive away the Knight, but the best way to do that is by 18 ... h6.

You can cut the damage somewhat with 28 ... e5.


Thanks Tom!

BTW: I tried to use diagram, but somehow it didn't work =/


hi kakemann ,

this is the "Game or sequence of moves" , version ;-) 

11.. Bd5 was not too bad because after 12.e4 , the white bisshop on f4 is not defended anymore ! And your Queen attacks d5 ...

so if you exchange on the e4 square , you can win your piece back by a double attack on d5 with your Queen .. 

I think you thought too defensive , in stead of retreating try to counterattack , especially in the opening because you cannot afford to loose time in that stage of the game .. 



@Rokadus: Thanks for your input and thought on the game, I appreciate it! :)

And I tried to use "game sequences of move", but it was bugged or something.