
I Was 3.67 ahead when the guy quit...


According to Stockfish.  It was a 1288, experienced player on ICC so I really had my thinking cap on.  

I know I botched the play when I sent that Bishop into his king's pawn cover but I was trying to lure his king there for a queen winning discovered check and just didn't work that way.  

He offered a draw and when I wouldn't "I'm leaving!".  What a baby.

What can I take away from this game other than ICC is awesome and judgebot gave me a win within 30 seconds? I feel like I again could have put this guy away early.  I'm black and thought I needed some work from this side of the Ruy Lopez...

Indyfilmguy wrote:

Good game, you totally destroyed this guy.  You are definitely improving fast.

Some general ideas to take from the game:

1.  You see the power of developing all your minor pieces quickly and castling early.  By the end of move 12 you had total development and had castled,  compared to your opponent only have one piece out.  This makes it easier to dominate the middlegame.

2.  You see the power of rooks or Queens on open files also gives you a good advantage.

3.  Good use of a battery on the long diagonal, and also good eye in capturing totally hanging pieces.

Thanks, man.  Hope your weekend is going well.

Yeah I've been spending a lot of time on tactics the last few days and I've still managed to play a game or two on ICC as well as a couple against my girl OTB (she's improving really fast so it's great practice for me).  Playing and reviewing is, by far, the leading contributor to my progress.

Development and being disciplined during the opening is indeed helping a lot.  The thing that's really clicked over the last three games I've played is that you simply cannot overextend your forces and lead aimless attacks without the concert of all your pieces. Tight, powerful, concerted and decisive is proving to win the day.  

I still think I misplayed that unsound sac of the bishop although I did get two pawns for him and I corrupted the white king's pawn cover.

qablo wrote:

"Playing and reviewing is, by far, the leading contributor to my progress."

That´s it. gg

Thank you. Yeah the best advice anyone has given me so far is "just play". 

I think I was a jerk to you earlier last week in another thread and if so - sorry. Indyfilmguy knows about it but I have some really heavy stuff hanging over my head. It's distracting and irritating 24/7.  It's definitely been on my mind during some of the blunders that have cost me games this month but I'm getting better at isolating and focusing when I play chess.


The tactics I took a quick glance at, and can't see any quick finishes, although there are minor improvements.

18...Bxd4 appears to nab a free pawn and gets away with it.

25...b3 looks really painful for white. 25...b3 26. Qc1 (protect b1 and b2) Nc4 27. Nd3 and white's in knots.

Also, 13...Bxg2 was not a mistake at all. Free pawn is free, shattering white's cover for no cost. Pretty solid game from the middlegame onwards.