
IQP attack


I was late for the start of this tournament, so I played an unrated game in 30 against the organizer.  Slow unrated games free my chess, letting me play a more attacking brand (usually I'm more a positional squeeze type of player).  Comments and suggestions are appreciated.

Salmon doesn't seem like a very good chess player. Brilliant attacking skills by white, though!


10. Bg5 is considered better than Bf4, it gives you more play against h7 and possibly forces g6 at some point if you have a bishop on d3 and a queen on h4


Nevertheless your attack was conducted very well

I'm also surprised your opponent didn't play b6 at some point, for example on move 11, and instead just let his bishop sit on c8


yeah I was expecting b6 instead of a6.  That white bishop looked ugly!