
Which Rook to move?


I have just played a game where I got totally confused.
The position that confused me is posted below:

I still don't find the second Rook helpful. So, can anyone explain me why was the move Rfd1 a mistake?


the a rook should be moved because it's not doing anything.At least the f rook is opposite the queen,and there's the possibility of the f-file being opened.


1 Rf-d1 is not a mistake.    You are double attacking your opponent's "d" pawn and there is no defense to that.

Overall your position is very favorable as you are 1 pawn ahead -- soon to be 2 pawns and your opponent has not completed his development -- as his knight blocks his B which in turn blocks his R from developing.

The engine may prefer moving the other Rook for defensive purposes, ie; if the "f" file ever opened, your Rook remaining on f1 guards your f2 pawn. 


I think I would have played f3 here.

Which chess engine are you using?

Congratulations! If you are confused, you have officially became a chess playerLaughing


Thank you! :D
I am using Stockfish