
How to beat the impossible computer - Stonewall Defence



Nicely done, my best result against the impossible was a draw (I believe it was also a Stonewall Attack)

"Traditionally, chess computers have been vulnerable to the Stonewall because the positions are usually without clear tactical lines. White simply prepares for an assault by bringing pieces to aggressive posts, without making immediate tactical threats. By the time the computer realizes that its king is under attack it is often too late."

TheMouse wrote:

i wish it would play like that against me...


You just have to vary move order to get a stonewall setup, I've won from that line a few times. After Nf3 Qxg2 Rg1 Qa3 Rg3 Qa5 Ra5 Nc3, the Queen has to waste moves getting safe and there's a huge lead in tactical development with the e-pawn push :)

winnersp wrote:

my imagination for black sacrifice win..

21. Nh6+ Kh8 22. Nf7+ Kg8 23. Ra8#


Computers really love that   ...c4 move to attack the king's bishop, don't they?   I used to play the Colle System quite a bit and was always getting ...c4 from computers.  That's usually a mistake in those kinds of positions.


i thought the defence against computer impossible is the french defence advanced variation stone wall does not play c5 it plays c6 am i right james?

wbport wrote:
winnersp wrote:

my imagination for black sacrifice win..

21. Nh6+ Kh8 22. Nf7+ Kg8 23. Ra8#


winnersp wrote:

just played with someone against stonewall defense and lost...could someone explain why this is so hard to defend  knight sacrifice


Because chess engines wink wink will typically try to counterattack on the Q-side with moves like Qa5 and c5-c4, both ineffective against someone who knows what they're doing. White has enough tempo to sac a minor piece and push through on the K-side before Black can bring defenders across.

And many thanks to jamesflynnx for creating this thread which I used as a reference throughout the game above.


very excellent command of the army. well done!


let me try..


That's awesome!


Tracking, good info!


You had a much faster guaranteed mate after move 15. Rf7 g6.  DM me for the moves if you're not seeing it.