
Anyone else tired or people resigning?


People usually just resign when they find themselves in a lost position or down in material. I realize it helps waste less time, but i can almost never just sit down to a full game that is ended by a checkmate or stalemate. 


On the bright side, you're movin' on up!

The better you get the more infrequent checkmate becomes.


Some people hate when opponents resign. Others hate when opponents won't resign.


I'm the opposite, I hate playin out games where one part has so much advantage that only gigantic blunders can give the other part a chance. So I even sometimes resign games where i am winning big myself, because its boring to go through the motions.


I used to be annoyed when people resigned. But nowadays I understand the psychology of it: what's the point to keep playing if you've blundered and you know it?

If you want to play opponents that never resign on you, try Computer EASY, MEDIUM and HARD. You can find them in the Games seek:

Play -> Live Chess -> Games -> Seeks

Rotfish wrote:

I used to be annoyed when people resigned. But nowadays I understand the psychology of it: what's the point to keep playing if you've blundered and you know it?

If you want to play opponents that never resign on you, try Computer EASY, MEDIUM and HARD. You can find them in the Games seek:

Play -> Live Chess -> Games -> Seeks

I see your point. However I usually never resign unless I'm, like, one move from mate or I don't have any time to play the game. I usually just try to keep stalling if I've made a game-losing blunder to make the experience overall more miserable and time consuming for them. 


It depends, if you get forked early for example, losing your Queen, or make a mistake that costs you significant material, at lower levels you simply can't make up for the loss of a Queen or possibly Rook or even Bishop or Knight depending on the situation.

Because of the style of play and competence in knowledge and positioning, low level players (like myself) simply cannot survive significant losses or difference in material. It snowballs rapidly and so is often viewed as futile to continue as neither player is really learning much from then on. The losing player however is hopefully aware of the mistake and therefore will play better next time.

Conversely I have seen players who have lost badly, but in getting them to that siuation time is running low, and they play what I call a very annoying game of 'racing against the clock'. It's legitimate, but can be frustrating if the reason you are winning is a more considered approach and they start playing for a time victory/draw. Although I suppose you shouldn't take too long either, so its a balance.


I am definately in favor of resignation.  When and when not to resign is always a matter of taste and you shouldn't be upset by your opponent's choice of when to resign.

That being said it makes since for two opponents of equal skill level to know when to resign.  For example if I am playing a 1500 in a simpflied and lost endgame, I should resign out of respect and also to keep from having to play out 30 moves just to reach checkmate.  

The downside for someone like you who has played less games (just looking at your account) is that you don't get to practice your endgames and thus might not have a techincal understand of won and lost endgames and how to play them.  I generally find that practicing endgames are best against a computer so you can refine your technique and don't have to worry about blundering over the board. Try out to practice your endgames.




It's really annoying when you are playing a coorespondance game and your opponent doesn't resign when the only piece he has is his king.

Daybreak57 wrote:

It's really annoying when you are playing a coorespondance game and your opponent doesn't resign when the only piece he has is his king.

If the opponent only has a king, at least the annoyance shouldn't last all that long.


I am always surprised how many people resign as soon as they are down a piece


Saying you hate when people resign and then saying you resign one move before checkmate is odd!  You want a game to be played to checkmate yet when you are on the losing side you're willing to stall and make it last as long as possible while still not allowing your opponent to mate you!

I don't care personally whether my opponents resign or not.  If I win I win.


Kings never allow themselves to be captured by an enemy. Far more honorable to resign with dignity than suffer the disgrace of checkmate.


lazy to play ...can resign too....


Unless it's a simple endgame, I usually copy the FEN to a file and play against my computer program.  It gives me endgame practice.  Also, about 20% of the time, the computer either wins or draws, so I get a lesson as well as the practice.

Raspberry_Yoghurt wrote:

I'm the opposite, I hate playin out games where one part has so much advantage that only gigantic blunders can give the other part a chance. So I even sometimes resign games where i am winning big myself, because its boring to go through the motions.

Bravo! I have done  the same at times. 


I've noticed it wasnt until I got to around 1600+ that opponents began to resign their lost positions fairly regularly (this is in Blitz).  

It's around that level that converting a large material advantage to a point starts to become trival.  The higher you go, the less it takes.   to the point that I've seen GM's resign in a totally equal positions in regards to material because they've calcualted the material loss of a single pawn is on the horizon.

It annoys the hell out of me when despite being down on time, position and material.. they think I'll fall for a stalemate.    Sometimes, I'll get to mate in 1.... then go AFK until the last few seconds then deliver the final blow with 0.9 seconds left... if they want to waste my time... I should get to waste theirs!

glamdring27 wrote:

Saying you hate when people resign and then saying you resign one move before checkmate is odd!  You want a game to be played to checkmate yet when you are on the losing side you're willing to stall and make it last as long as possible while still not allowing your opponent to mate you!

I don't care personally whether my opponents resign or not.  If I win I win.

I'm talking about when people resign when they are down material, but still have a chance to win or at least draw. When I'm one move from checkmate, I have no way of winning. By stalling, I mean moving my king around and trying to avoid mate. I don't care if the opponent does that as well. If they don't resign, they at least give me a chance to win by checkmate.