
Bishops vs Knights


I definitely prefer bishops over knights.




Cet. Par.

With queens on the board: Knights

Without queens on the board: Bishops

I believe it depends totally of the circumstances.
But in a "general" way, I would say bishop is better. It even have a bigger ponctuation (3,5 to bishop against 3 for Knight).

A well centralized knight can dominate the hell out of a bishop. It all depends on the position. Generalities are no substitute for taking a careful look and think about your position.


During the opening phase, the knights are most useful which is why normally they come out first. However, once the board opens up, two bishops are absolutely lethal in cutting up the board, more so than rooks. Mostly because of the way pawns work together with bishops. It is only on the end game, after bishops have been traded off that rooks show their power. Knights, can be great for forking, but usually the forks are the result of some miscalculation in blitz game. When there is time to calculate, Knight forks become less menacing. Overall, give me two bishops over two knights any day of the week. No contest on the right hands. I love it when the opponent trades a bishop for a knight in order to double up my pawns. A gift.


If the board is open Bishops are useually the better piece, if its closed knights are. This is a simple and somewhat obvious preference but If you stick to it you cannot really go wrong


Knights are far better on move 1.


I have a 100% record with 1.Nh3.

Sorry about that, but you stand corrected :)


I think it depends on the position which one is best. Knights can mate if opponent has a pawn that is far from queening 


I didn't realize I only played chess on this one website.

Oh right, that means your argument is invalid.



You should just count your sour grapes now before they hatch!


The comment about how much traffic is on the board is the right one. Less traffic, better to have bishops.