
Can't win on time with the sole King ?


Yes it is :)


Not really IMHO :-)

Steve212000 wrote:
AllanJones wrote:

Not really IMHO :-)



I dont know if you have been to Europa, but its very different from the US. In the US you have great cities on each side. In Europa you have great cities everywhere. From london you get to Paris in two hours taking the train, same for Brussel.

From the same train station you can go Bern, Monco or Nice in the same time it takes to go through the securety check in at an airport. And being in the south you can do Genoa, Milan or Venice in a few hours. 

If you want to go North you can do Amsterdam or Kobehagen. Berlin is a far way, but still no more then 8 hours and you are already at the train station. 

no offence, but most European citys beat American citys. If for nothing else a bigger better city is only a few hours away. 


Well, I think it's natural to thibk that grass is greener elsewhere. I'm French, originally from the Alp mountains region, and after 10 years in Paris I was disgusted with the city. So I moved to ....

yes, PRAGUE ! The center of the universe ! The best city ever, especially back in the 1990's.

But I agree with the comment about European cities. You have plenty of amazing cities in Europe in a two-hour train/plane trip only.

Berlin, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Prague, Stockholm, Roma, Lyon, London, Brusels, Lisboa, ... 


In the USA, I love:

NY, LA, SF, New Olrleans, Washington DC, and had also good time in ... Mineapolis :-)

yeres30 wrote:
AllanJones wrote:

I was surprised to be awarded a draw !

I had [king+rook+bishop] vs. [king]

Didn't have enough time to mate and when I ran out of time, I was sure I will loose the game but instead I was awarded a 'draw' with the message 'insufficient material'.

Does it mean that one cannot win on time with the sole king left on the chessboard ?

If I'm not clear, here's the game:

Yes, one can't win on time with only a K. The reason for this is Article 6.9 of the FIDE Laws of Chess states the following:





Except where one of the Articles: 5.1.a, 5.1.b, 5.2.a, 5.2.b, 5.2.c applies, if a player does not complete the prescribed number of moves in the allotted time, the game is lost by the player. However, the game is drawn, if the position is such that the opponent cannot checkmate the player’s king by any possible series of legal moves.




Thank you. This is now absolutely clear and is in line with FIDE rules, which is good news.