
General Question about Transposition in Chess Position Trainer


Hello, All!


I am just getting the hang of the softawre, called "Chess Position Trainer."  My question: As I develop subfolders under, say, Queens Gambit and Caro-Kann, will the software point out to me when I've reached a position of another opening?  I don't know much about openings, but my understanding is the something like semi-slavs can end up being like Caro-Kanns, so, what ever the case may be, will the software indicate when I have crossed over into another opening via transposition?




Chess Position Trainer will show you all the moves from all the lines that are in folders from any particular position.  You can keep all the openings in a single opening, but what I did was make a different opening for each line (I have three for the Slav and three for the semi-slav - each representing main lines).  When you step through the opening line in one opening it will show you the other openings that share the same position and if you want to switch from one line to another you can click on the "grayed-out" line from the other opening. 

Hope this helps.


Excellent, Randy.  Thanks a bunch.  I really appreciate it.


To be clear, your reason for making each line within an opening its own file permits you to see when the position appears in another file (i.e., another opening's line)?


My modest advice is; DON'T WASTE your time with openings and concentrate on endgames, middlegame and tactics...


parigo - I agree totally.  The key word is waste.  But, knowing the first few moves of mainline openings, (why are they what GMs play?) and how they relate to basic opening principles is not a waste.  Also (althought I have no investment in the company) CPT is also very good for middlegame position training and endgame training, so learning how to use any program you pay for is good.  And you are right, most of us should spend lots of time training tactics.  But a little time understanding center control, development and time can pay off too. Memorizing lots of moves pays almost nothing.


You're right that understanding center control, development and time is a important, but can't see how CPT can help you with this.

Only thing you need is to follow the basic principles in opening and you won't be far from the book move..

In my opinion, we should consider the use of ANY software as necessary evil and try to avoid it as much as we can.


Hi, parigo.


Two questions:  What justification do you have for the value claim that we should avoid computer software as much as we can?  How can something be necessary and avoided?