
I am so rusty!!


So I have not played much chess in the last year.  I was never a strong player before but I bounced around in the 1400-1500 range on this site.  I decided it would be fun to try some chess again and started some turn based games.  I am so bad!!! I have been missing tactical threats, blundering through games, playing with half baked plans, its HORRIBLE.  Its like 300 points of skill leaked out of my ears.  

Looks like I have a long road to get the old brain cells back into shape.  Hopefully it will come back faster that I got it the first time, being review, but its back to daily tactics training and elemental strategy books for me.  Sigh.


Hi, oh same here almost exactly to the point. I have been away from chess for about a year and also find myself making silly mistakes. I am addicted again though and finding myself playing and studying for 2-3 hours a day, very much enjoying it so I hope to get better again and even stronger than before which is my aim. I have also just really discovered and think it's really good with lots of features. I'm considered joining up for the full wham bang. We'll see.


I haven't played competitively since I was 10, over 5 years ago. I am so out of practice. I'm pretty addicted too. Hopefully I'll improve soon. Keep at it guys! Practice makes perfect :)


I'm 14 and I really started playing in November 2012, so I don't know many openings, strageys, stuff like that. And I just got dissed by my local chess club when I tried to join. You call your self rusty? Hah look at me. But, I have improved over 150 rating points in a month (and I've already played 200 games) so who knows




I was in the same situation, but was able to get from unrated in online chess to over 1800 in one year.  One practical suggestion, play 200 rating points above your rating goal.  

For many reasons, it's a mistake to play against anyone below 1600.


I feel your pain.  I was only around the 1300 range or so, but then stopped playing for over a year.  Just got the bug again and have managed to drop my score down to hilarious.  Ah well.


How do you decide which rating of players you play? 


I am 1800, so I play against a minimum 2000 unless I am in a tournament.