
New sounds


There's only one default set sound of when the pieces are moved and when draw is offered and when the game is over.  Wouldn't it be nice if there was more than one set of sounds you could set instead of the same boring one everytime.  I think it would be a could thing to add some differnet sounds to make games even more fun (which they already are).  Also I think if people played with the sounds they like they actually might play a little better too.


I agree. However the sound on my games has never worked. I have that setting clearly on and the sound on my laptop works fine. I think it must be some sort of bug on the site or something. Have you got any solutions?


You could always send in a support ticket or ask one of the live moderators


When you have set Sounds on in the Settings but still can't hear some or all of the sounds, clearing cache can help.


05jogrady, we recently noticed that somesound files may have non-standard names. They still work in all the computers we've tested, but if you could tell us what operating system and browser you use, and if you have Flash installed, that might help us determine if we can solve the problem.



Thanks. That might be it actually as i run ubuntu on my laptop. It is linux so that could be why. I use the firefox browser and yes i do have flash installed. Thank you so much for your help :)