
Things some chess players say when they blunder


I am sick

I messed up my opening

You countered my play

People were talking

You just got lucky

I felt like a was low on time

I was distracted the whole time

I wasn't even trying

I knew I messed up my sacrifice.

Keep the list going with what you think are excuses chess players say when they lose/blunder. People like that should not feel like there so good and perfect at the game. If anything they should just admit there lose and go on with life. But better yet, I would just wish my opponent gg and on with the next round. These are with SOME chess players. There are some chess players that are a good sport and not a sore loser in chess. I am experiencing more and more sore losers in and become a little hostile. But not all chess players are like this.


I'm not allowed to type on this forum what I say when I blunder.


I usually just give the Garry Kasparov "OH CRAP" face and just say Crap. But a good one I've heard is "Don't worry, this is all part of the plan..."


I haven't been sleeping well / I'm just off my game tonight / I can't see anything tonight / give me time to sober up


O wow I haven't thought about that one but I would agree with the Kasparov face lol.


You're cheating

You're life hacking


I like the passive aggressive ones like...

"I guess that's what happens when you give pawns away" (you didn't win because you played well, I just blundered)


I let you win.

I was testing if you knew how to play.


Another one beginner players say at a tournament

" too many people were watching my game and I got nervous."


I play that opening for fun sometimes even though it's bad.


Tbh I usually say one of the 2:

1. Oh Sh** (4 letter S word most people would know of)

2. I resign.


"why do i play this game"

"im so trash"

"i should probably take up checkers"


waffllemaster wrote:

I play that opening for fun sometimes even though it's bad.

If someone was Ina tournament game and said that, he is obviously lying unless he is messed up or something


Oh here's one I heard recently

"If you put this position into a computer it will tell you I'm winning"
(talking about a position after they screwed up and were worse but weren't admitting it).


Exactly and if they do say that then actually put it up on the computer, it will just make them look bad even more


It's a bait. It's my super duper tricky trap.

I am doing that on purpose, so that you can have excuses when you win the game.

If you are going to shoot me, do it now. Don't make me look at it. Make it quick and painless.

I got distracted. Your dog snuggled around my legs. (in an online game)

(While spamming with draw offer) Please accept my offer. I will owe you this one.  

Your chessmen sucks. The queen looks like a bishop. I got fooled. Nice trick!

I let you win this one game.

Don't you dare take it! If you take it, I will resign.

Haha ... Don't you see what's coming for you? I wouldn't take it if I were you.

I don't take this game very seriously. It's only for fun.


After  I had just made a blunder in a recent otbtournament game, my opponent looked at me with quizical eyes. All  I could do was shake my head and said "brain fart..."

He laughed...


I'm tired.

I was preoccupied.