
Lag (renamed)


New sort of chet founded! In bullet, I saw than some succeed in playing nearly 10 moves in on second (impossible for me excepted if there is a technique?...), and even, the game I just play, some whose time is grown after they are playing (for each move : example the player has 10.0 seconds left, he plays, 9.0 seconds and then for the following move it is 9.5 seconds... when the player moved quickly enough he could even has much time after the move than before)...

It is decided now : I leave! Cheating is too much present, and noone in this site believes you (I tried to contact and explain it by mails)... I just wanted to play a game, and for some it is only a place to dominate and doing nothing good...

aurmor wrote:

New sort of chet founded! In bullet, I saw than some succeed in playing nearly 10 moves in on second (impossible for me excepted if there is a technique?...), and even, the game I just play, some whose time is grown after they are playing (for each move : example the player has 10.0 seconds left, he plays, 9.0 seconds and then for the following move it is 9.5 seconds... when the player moved quickly enough he could even has much time after the move than before)...

It is decided now : I leave! Cheating is too much present, and noone in this site believes you (I tried to contact and explain it by mails)... I just wanted to play a game, and for some it is only a place to dominate and doing nothing good...

it is called PREMOVES

aurmor wrote:

New sort of chet founded! In bullet, I saw than some succeed in playing nearly 10 moves in on second (impossible for me excepted if there is a technique?...), and even, the game I just play, some whose time is grown after they are playing (for each move : example the player has 10.0 seconds left, he plays, 9.0 seconds and then for the following move it is 9.5 seconds... when the player moved quickly enough he could even has much time after the move than before)...

It is decided now : I leave! Cheating is too much present, and noone in this site believes you (I tried to contact and explain it by mails)... I just wanted to play a game, and for some it is only a place to dominate and doing nothing good...

it is called LAG


It is definitely lag.

From what Kenpo mentioned, maybe someone figured out a way to cause lag and took advantage of it? 


Yes I know premove, but to this speed is for ée impossible... and what is more impossible for me is to win time after a move... it seems to me a lot of people answer without reading all... I don't understand why... the speed of bullet?


"is for ée impossible" --> "is for me impossible"

I can play maybe 3 moves a second, but not 10 or more... maybe some have very good connections?


You can set your premoves up to 5 moves in advance.

After this, each move will only eat .1 of a second.

So that's only .5 seconds or half a second.

So, actually, 10 moves a second is very possible for you too (not just your opponents). Smile

Just go to your settings and make sure you enable your premoves.

Hope this helps.

You'll know you finally got it down to a science when you see an opponent accusing you of time cheating here on the forums.  Tongue Out


OK I didn't know it was possible to play up to 5 moves in advance, but I repeat myself, I didnt neither know it was possible to play moves and have more time after having played than before...


There's no cheating. It would take some serious hacking to mess with server clocks of What you're experiencing are called premoves and clock adjustment due to lag. Here's some more information about this.

philidor_position wrote:

There's no cheating. It would take some serious hacking to mess with server clocks of What you're experiencing are called premoves and clock adjustment due to lag. Here's some more information about this.

You're right Philo. I was about to post the same thing when I saw your post. It is frustrating when this happens but nobody is cheating.

aurmor wrote:

New sort of chet founded! In bullet, I saw than some succeed in playing nearly 10 moves in on second (impossible for me excepted if there is a technique?...), and even, the game I just play, some whose time is grown after they are playing (for each move : example the player has 10.0 seconds left, he plays, 9.0 seconds and then for the following move it is 9.5 seconds... when the player moved quickly enough he could even has much time after the move than before)...

It is decided now : I leave! Cheating is too much present, and noone in this site believes you (I tried to contact and explain it by mails)... I just wanted to play a game, and for some it is only a place to dominate and doing nothing good...

Aurmor, this is not cheating, it is 'premoves' and anyone can do it. You go to the live chess page, like you are going to play a game. Click your 'settings' tab then the 'play' tab. Premoves enables you to make a move that will happen immediately when your opponent completes their move and premoves only take 1/10 second so you can conceivably make ten moves in a second.



You have said more than once that it is not a connection problem.  What is your basis for saying that?


But actually this begs the question:

Why have pre-moves at all?

elephant23 wrote:

But actually this begs the question:

Why have pre-moves at all?

I too would like to know how pre-moves came about in online chess.  In otb, they don't even allow you to hover your hand over the board, much less move your pieces during your opponent's turn.  It certainly makes bullet chess online and offline completey different animals.   Anyone know the story behind this?


For the record, I have no beef with premoves.


Actually, ignore the post I made above.  I don't wish to derail this fine thread that aurmor has got going.


Pfren is right. If you don't pre-move don't play bullet chess.

I hate pre-move. So I don't play any bullet chess. I'm happy.


There is a thing named LAG and premoves on chess. Please read FAQ of


Yeah, I agree. Before I played bullet, I did not know there were pre-moves. I always lost. haha But i think you should just play blitz. :)


Interesting that none of the responses answered my question.

Even if, as Phren says, Bullet is not chess.....

Why have pre-moves? Why not make the game entirely the result of human manual decisions under excessive time constraints?

elephant23 wrote:

Interesting that none of the responses answered my question. Cry

Even if, as Phren says, Bullet is not chess.....

Why have pre-moves? Why not make the game entirely the result of human manual decisions under excessive time constraints?

Your story has touched my heart.

So let's tackle the unanswered part of your question head on, okay?



Often, a player will make certain moves in the opening with very limited variations.

(It's not they are mindlessly approaching the first few moves, it's just they've found an opening system that works for them and they repeat it complete with proven responses to the most common move replies.)


So to free you up from having to wait on those "already anticipated" responses and waste time in the process, your premoves feature provides you...


 -- the convenience of being able to automate the moves in advance.


Now, mind you...No one "forces" you or any other player to use this option...

it's just provided as a beneficial feature for those who do wish to exercise it.


So if they already have a dependable system of moves in a given situation, they can now simply make a few of them in advance and not be punished by having time deducted when they already had them prepared anyway.

So basically, use them if you want.

Don't use them if you don't want to.

It's completely up to you and in your control as an option provided.


It's not exclusively limited to the opening either.


If you've ever played turn based games here on then you may be familiar with a similar feature called "conditional moves".

This is where you can preset automatic responses to your opponent's moves on the condition they move where you anticipate.

It's the same principle at work for you.


Basically premoves, like conditional moves, is strictly an optional feature which can benefit you if you choose to use it correctly.


Can it provide you an advantage?


Like most tools designed to automate manual tasks or make life easier in ways like that, the one who learns to use the tool skillfully can wield an advantage over someone who has determined not to learn because they don't like it.

However, the same person who was once "anti-tech" as of yesterday, could today begin to take the time and practice to learn how to use the tool and enjoy the same advantage of possessing a practiced skill if they so decide.

So now you have the scoop on premoves.

I hope it helps you and others who may have wondered the same thing but just didn't ask.

Now as far as choosing how you'll avail yourself of this knowledge or even use it at all...

It's your move!