
Game aborted by the server


More often than not the game is aborted by the server.this msg appears, where as Ihave not aborted the game. This often is repeated and now I have been informed that" you have ot been foowing fairplay policy"! What is the remedy on this issue?


Something that trips up a lot of players is that each player has only 15 to 20 seconds to make their first move.  Whether this is a fair policy or not can certainly be debated, but should definitely make this policy more publicly available.  It's buried in the Fair Play Policy.  I'll get you the link:

Hope that takes care of it for you.


Just today, twice that happened to me, and I played within 4 - 6 seconds from the start of the game!  The above reply does not help me with this conundrum. 

Anyone have any ideas??


Probably a connection issue! Sometimes clearing your cache and disabling any addons or extensions in your browser can help with this issue.


201Supersoft(1594) player and me Jontona was playing a game when I got "game aborted"  without any action on we players. This was at 10:16 EST. Why does / software do this???