
Resolved: Premove


I doubt it; it sounds like it would defeat the purpose.


If you mean "Conditional moves" in online chess, click on "conditional move" and you should see a:

Saved Line 1: delete | view

Click on delete and the move will be take back.

If you mean premoves in live chess, I think clicking on an earlier move on the moves list (like you're on the 29th move and you click on 2.Nf3) and then clicking to the current last move your opponent made makes the premove dissappear, but I'm not sure if this works all the time. It's not fully in line with the spirit of premoves, it should always involve an element of risk. Smile


In live chess I just right click on the red square/piece (premove square) and it dissapears. As far as risk goes, I only pre-move re-captures as there's basically no risk involved because if your opponent decides not to capture your pre-move is cancelled.


what he said ^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Please refer to how to play chess 101 for beginners

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