
I don't understand why i suck at blitz


2000 would be a lower estimate on my otb rating, but for some reason I really suck at blitz. I recently broke 2200 in the online chess category, and decided to start playing 5 min with 5 sec increment and seem to be around 1600-1700. Almost all of the games i lose are from a clear blunder that I would never make in a tournament. I even see that I blunder before my opponent moves. The blunders seem to occur when I move fast to save time, whether i am in time pressure or not. Has anyone else experienced this great of a rating disparity? Have you been able to bring the ratings closer together?  


Correspondence chess and live chess are two different things. And keep in mind that the correspondence rating on is vastly inflated.

Also, some people excel in standard time controls, while playing horrible in fast time controls.


My OTB ELO has just dipped below 2100 but my online rating here is also very low. I far prefer to use the Tactics Trainer to playing online chess because it is not exactly easy to have a conversation with your children if you play online chess at the same time :-)