
Mate in 10


This starting position is from an actual game played by GM Summerscale and GM Williams in the 2009 British Championship.  However, some of the following puzzle moves are just desperation moves of white trying to postpone mate.  Enjoy.





















What I found really interesting about this position is that my computer did not find this solution at all.  When I plugged it in I got a score of about -1.00 and suggested 1. Bc8 (to block Rb7).  After the first move mate is completely forced but the computer now reads approx. +1.00. 


It is also interesting to see such a long forced mate with only one forcing check.


Also:  5...Kf7 is an alternative to ...Bf8 but accomplishes the same thing with white sacking the rook on f8 to postpone mate another move.


Is it a forced mate in 10? What about the continuation after a move like 4. f4?


nice one.

heinzie wrote:

Is it a forced mate in 10? What about the continuation after a move like 4. f4?
