
Puzzles needed for tactics trainer

msjenned wrote:








Like this one:

It is mate in next move.

nyLsel wrote:
It is mate in next move.

Yeah, her puzzle is to decide white's moves, black is the final computer move.


Just to clarify and leave no room for doubt - what's your stance regarding repetitions? Here's what I mean:

This is similar to the ending of a high-quality, high-rated tactic I have recently done.

This is the only way to win. But as you can see, white has the option of playing 2. Bf5+ (?) which, completely misses the point and after 2... Kg8 returns to the original position. But it is still winning since white can now execute the correct manuever.

In a game? that's different. You might do such a thing to get +seconds on your clock, or hit the time control. When solving tactics? there is no room for such a thing - this means you missed the tactic, and there are no second chances. When the purpose of tactics trainer is to learn and improve, I believe this is more than justified, and failing for such a move is called for (and therefore it is alright to continue the problem). I would also like to stress that you may remove the pawn on e4 just as well and it would not matter.

But what is your opinion regarding this, would you say that such a tactic is ambiguous?


Help, there are suddenly lots of you. Please all try to check your puzzles as well as you can looking at the criteria, and ensuring I can import your game into an engine with the minimum of effort. I'll have another look in a few hours. My focus is to add as many beautiful puzzles for everyone to do on Tactics trainer so I need plenty of help.

nyLsel wrote:
msjenned wrote: It is mate in next move.

QxR as Computer Move and then Mate in 2 ..


jetfighter13 wrote:

here is another one. I used a sideline for black though because what black played in game was not his best defence.


After 14... Qe7??, can't white just play 15.Nxe7 ?


wow I completely messed up the variation


9th puzzle nice puzzle piphilologist. I had to remove the h pawn as otherwise black could sacrifice the queen on the first move for a slight advantage.

Jetfighter 13, please can you post me a link to the games with the move number at which the puzzles start and finish,  or start the diagram from the beginning of the puzzle so I can copy and paste the FEN without having to play out all the moves. 

msjenned, there are 2 ways to mate so the puzzle is ambiguous. 

shoopi, I come across repetitions as alternative lines in puzzles quite often. Engines usually assign the move a score of zero even if there is still a forced mate. Its best to look at each example in turn. In your example I would approve the puzzle if an engine gave the repetition a score of zero. In other more complex puzzles people have become annoyed to fail a puzzle when they choose a repetitive move. Recently I approved a complex mate in 4, that had an alternative repetitive sequence of 4 moves that led back to the starting position so allowing a mate in 8, but still required the same mate in 4 to finish.

3201, this puzzle can't be used for many reasons.

To everyone, please don’t post a puzzle if you haven’t checked it with an engine, unless it is obvious there are no alternative winning lines, or better moves for the defender.


Sorry katonas, I will look for another one.


I actually don't know how to do that its really wierd does anyone know. one game I can post a link to, the other I don't for one that happened OTB.

I will try to figure out the others. but that should work.


jetfighter13, 1...h6 2.d6 is just as strong as 1...h6 2.g4. Please just post the puzzle line rather than any sidelines, otherwise I get confused.


Here are some from my games (a few are altered). I have no information on the games, just that I played the winning side. I have checked these with a program.



Thankyou Shoopi,

13th puzzle

12th puzzle

11th puzzle 

from the 3rd game

10th puzzle from the first.

There was no FEN for the second puzzle because the diagram starts from the beginning of the game (it would take me too long to enter all the moves into an engine)


Very nice.

However, on the second tactic (id=237885) there is an error. White's first move 1. Qf4+ is a blunder - of course the correct move is 1. Rh7+ when a mate in 3 ensues (too bad for the 10 people who attempted to solve it already).

Regarding the last tactic (id=400633), It would have been harder if the black piece on h7 was a pawn, although I see why you made it a knight, to make sure the move gets a significant better value than any other move. I 'believe' a pawn on h7 still makes the move 2 points better than any other (but not 2.5 as your original post requests). You may leave it at that.

And regarding my second puzzle, it is quite a nice (and not too difficult) queen capture, so there you go, reposting:

Might post more in the near future.

shoopi wrote:

Very nice.

However, on the second tactic (id=237885) there is an error. White's first move 1. Qf4+ is a blunder - of course the correct move is 1. Rh7+ when a mate in 3 ensues (too bad for the 10 people who attempted to solve it already).

I think the tactic is to defend the position as black after white's error- you play black in that tactic.


here is the one without any sidelines or anything. actually Black resigned in the middle of the tactic.

that is the puzzle


umm...what's wrong with 2...Qxc4 +?

Edit: I got ninjaed -_-


can you show variation how white's winning after 2...Qxc4+ ?

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