
Tactical Win


Here's a sequence from a wild 5 0 blitz game I played on FICS a week or so ago, in puzzle form. I was playing as Black, and wondering how I could wrest an advantage out of my 5 pawns for White's Rook. After some jockeying for position, this position came up. Can you spot the winning continuation? (Yes, you probably can.) Regardless of possible ease, it's a worthwhile tactical motif!


So,the white king captures the black rook and the black queen captures the white queen.The black will be a queen ahead.Remarkable advantage!!
Great puzzle Absurd I loved it.

Lol great puzzle Absurd...that sounds like you think it is absurd.


Lame Joke's aside, good puzzle. I kept dragging the rook to a1 and it wouldn't let me, until I saw that you needed to move Qh1 first lol...