
Tactics Trainer Chart Uses Incorrect Units



I love the tactics trainer and use it all the time (and love this site as well - great job!) but I feel that the tactics trainer rating chart uses the incorrect units. Currently it uses "days" or "date" on the x-axis and rating on the y-axis. But this means if I do 50 problems at the beginning of the month, one problem a day for the next month, and then 50 again at the end of the month, each day is treated with the same weight. And if I don't do any problems for 6 weeks the chart shows my rating as staying the same and distorts the chart.

Instead, I suggest using "Number of Problems Completed" on the x-axis. This would give each problem equal weight, adjust for days that I do many or no problems, and overall give a much more accurate chart. This is similar to how chess uses "moves" instead of minutes to measure the progress of a game. 

Just my 2 cents - thanks for listening.



By the way, for those who don't use tactics trainer here is an example of a rating chart:


Let's make it happen!


I think this is a great idea.  More realalistically it should be an option to choise either one.  It would be nice to see either boxes or curves as well sisu.


Thanks for your support of this idea mike!