Building Part 11 - Reaching Out

Building Part 11 - Reaching Out

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When we started about 2 year ago we began with one simple idea: make this a website for the MEMBERS. Have the members tell us what they want, and then create the best possible online experience. And we have been running hard at that idea ever since.

One of the questions I get pretty often is "How are you going to market and let other people know about it??" The answer has been - I don't really know - we're focused on building the best website with the best community and the best features, and I guess we'll figure it out after that. 

Now, after a LONG time working on the website we have concluded that we will never be done :) There is just too much cool stuff to build and do! But, we are now ready to put a little bit more emphasis on reaching out to the chess world and helping new members feel more at home. 

We have launched 2 new programs, and we need YOUR help!


Widgets, Badges, Banners, & Links

If you have a blog, website, myspace page, or other web home, consider adding a cool widget to your page! It will show your rating, name, and even your game if you want it to! Or, if you want, just use a simple banner or link to spread the word. Here is the kicker:

Anyone who joins using the widgets/links you add from this page will automatically become your friend and you will get credited with the referral. And in about 30 days we will be launching a program where if your referrals become premium members, then you will get added premium time to your account, or you will have your current membership extended! This is retroactive, so start now and it will kick in soon!

 >> Click here to check our your customized widgets/banners/links! Greeters

Every day hundreds of new members join and sometimes they just don't know what to do. Well, everybody loves a personal welcome, so we would appreciate it if everyone could open themselves up to becoming a greeter! A Greeter simply plays an introductory unrated chess game and can help answer any questions. 

How to become a Greeter: Just go to your chess preferences page and choose to become a greeter and set how many games you are willing to play at a time. Then you will have unrated games start automatically. But don't worry - they don't affect your stats! :) Also, you don't have to finish the game with them. If either of you wants to, you can resign that game and move on to meet other people!




In addition to adding these new programs we have been adding some other fixes and site improvements.  Below is a list:

Tactics Trainer

- new unrated/untimed Tactics Trainer mode 

- improved tools for screening tactics in the Tactics Trainer 

- new computer game analysis and link to game 

- TONS of new problems coming soon! 



- new moderator tools for group admins

- a new "My Groups" block coming to your homepage soon! 


- improved performance issues

- new option for tournament directors to limit players by Average Time per Move 


Vote Chess

- super performance improvements

- better tracking and game management 


- more easily close your own account (if you ever become insane...)

- new Play Chess page with live chess

- new anti-cheating methods




Those are the things we have been working on in the past. What do you have to look forward to? HUGE improvements in Live Chess are in the works, as well as the Openings & Game Explorer (name still pending).  We are also working toward getting more and better content (articles, videos, etc) onto And there are, of course, lots of other small features and fixes happening daily. 

Finally, thanks for being patient with us over the last 2 days. There were a few crazy things happening with our servers and it took a while to sort them out. 


Thanks for your continued support!


- Erik & the Team 


(click here to read more of the Building stories



[Please Note: Don't send me Tech Support, Abuse Reports, or other "Site" issues. Please contact Support for those things. But I do love thank you notes and personal messages! Thank you!]

Yes, I am the guy who started (along with Jay, Igor, Piotr, and many others). I have 3 amazing daughters, one wild son, and a wonderful, patient wife! I learned chess when I was 8 years old. Since then I have been playing, studying, and enjoying it regularly. I prefer semi-open and closed positions that blow up tactically (like the Closed Sicilian, King's Indian, Glek etc). 

Want to know more about how got started? Read about it here!

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