
Well, we're finally doing it :|

| 26 | Misc

No, no, this has nothing to do with LIVE chess. Sorry. That is coming along nicely and I should have some news within a few days.

What we are finally doing is getting a little money in the door to help pay for some of the development costs of We have accepted an advertising deal from ubisoft (makers of ChessMaster). This means we WILL have some ads on the site :) There is going to be a homepage takeover for about 3-5 days and then a banner on the echess homepage for 3 weeks, a banner on the "Play Against the Computer" page, and on the "Downloads" page.

This is REALLY going to help us out.



[Please Note: Don't send me Tech Support, Abuse Reports, or other "Site" issues. Please contact Support for those things. But I do love thank you notes and personal messages! Thank you!]

Yes, I am the guy who started (along with Jay, Igor, Piotr, and many others). I have 3 amazing daughters, one wild son, and a wonderful, patient wife! I learned chess when I was 8 years old. Since then I have been playing, studying, and enjoying it regularly. I prefer semi-open and closed positions that blow up tactically (like the Closed Sicilian, King's Indian, Glek etc). 

Want to know more about how got started? Read about it here!

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