Completely French

Completely French

| 10 | Opening Theory

The French Defense has been vexing players on the White side since it was first introduced by the Parisians in the historic match between London and Paris in 1834! Black permits White to build a sturdy center, only to devote the remainder of the game to tearing down said center. When Black succeeds, White is left with nothing but rubble and sadness where the proud center used to be. WGM Tatev Abrahamyan is here to provide you a complete repertoire against all of White's most popular options — The Winawer, Tarrasch, Advance, and Exchange Variations.

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Completely French: The Winawer — Part 1 The Winawer is White's most aggressive try against the French. Abrahamyan starts us off with a dose of sidelines — scary, scary sidelines! (Intermediate to Advanced)

Completely French: The Winawer — Part 2 You thought you learned all the sidelines last video, right? No such luck; by fully prepared for all of the annoying things White would like to pester you with. (Intermediate to Advanced)

Completely French: The Winawer — Part 3 Abrahamyan digs into positional and tactical nuances in the Winawer as she shows you what might happen if you can trade the light squared bishop off. (Intermediate to Advanced)

Completely French: The Winawer — Part 4 It's time for some main lines as Abrahamyan dives into 7.Qg4. If you're not careful you will get squashed; it's time to learn the tricks — Rxf3! and e5! incoming! (Intermediate to Advanced)

Completely French: The Winawer — Part 5 You aren't afraid of kitchen sinks are you? Abrahamyan is here to show you how to defend when White throws one at you. (Intermediate to Advanced)

Completely French: The Winawer — Part 6 It's high time for a big dose of theory as we dig into the deeper novelties and analysis you will need against a booked up White. (Intermediate to Advanced)

Completely French: Tarrasch Variation — Part 1 The Tarrasch is a more patient approach, but if you aren't careful, White will soon have a bind. Learn how to outmaneuver White with the tricky 3...Be7 variation. (Intermediate to Advanced)

Completely French: Tarrasch Variation — Part 2 Abrahamyan shows you how to take the fight to White by postponing castling and demolishing White's center with g-pawn aggression. (Intermediate to Advanced)

Completely French: Advance Variation You can't play the French without being well prepared against White's most aggressive option — the Advance. Learn how to sap the energy from White's aggression and make your pressure on d4 count. (Intermediate to Advanced)

Completely French: Exchange Variation — Part 1 Coward! The Exchange Variation offers a sterile position, but the unwary player can still err. Abrahamyan shows you the strategic motivations and exchanges which you can exploit in even this symmetrical position. (Intermediate to Advanced)

Completely French: Exchange Variation — Part 2 Would you like to spice things up against the Exchange? You can with opposite sides castling and aggressive pawn play. (Intermediate to Advanced)

Completely French: Sidelines! White has many less theoretical ways to take the fight to the French. They are mostly not very good, but it's best to be prepared by drawing on Abrahamyan's vast experience and insight with these less common options. (Intermediate to Advanced)

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