Pawn Structure 101 Video Series

Pawn Structure 101 Video Series

| 15 | Strategy

The wait is finally over! You have tried every solution to fix those flabby pawn structures. You've cut every processed pawn from your diet. Yet, for some reason, you just cannot get rid of those doubled pawns!

Finally, there is a better way! Fan favorite, International Master and 'glutton for gambits' Daniel Rensch has shed some light on fine-tuning those pawns into positionally dominant machines!

Not convinced? Then don't take our word for it! Listen in as IM Rensch unveils the soul of chess.

Not what you were looking for? Go back to video guide.

Remember, without pawns your game might just move backwards.

Pawn Structure 101: Intro/Complex Since the dawn of time, scientists around the world have tried to understand the importance of the puniest chess piece on the board. IM Rensch reveals the answers, and explains why understanding pawn structure separates the strong from the weak. Outstanding positional examples with in-depth analysis make for a fantastic start to this epic pawn structure journey! (Beginner and Intermediate)

Pawn Structure 101: Orthodox/Minority Attack You watched the first video. You realized that you have a complex. You repeat over and over again: "I'm just here so I don't get fined." Perhaps you have recently experienced the pain of choking away the Super Bowl and want to further increase your knowledge of strong positional play. Whatever the case may be, IM Rensch is going to restore that "beast mode" confidence with his next video on the orthodox pawn structure and the open files that follow! (Beginner and Intermediate)

Pawn Structure 101: Panov-Botvinnik Now that you are seeing results, it is time to put those chess muscles to the test. In this video, IM Rensch will ask for your participation in analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the Panov-Botvinik pawn structure. Through the analysis of one of his own games, you will see how this pawn structure affects the center of the board, outpost squares and endgame. (Intermediate and Advanced).

Pawn Structure 101: The Stonewall What goes up must come down. Unless, of course, you are putting up a stonewall. This pawn structure is complex, to say the least, but strong and tough to deal with. As IM Rensch explains in further detail, correctly utilizing minor pieces and weak squares around a stonewall pawn structure creates a strong kingside attack. (Intermediate and Advanced)

Pawn Structure 101: The Caro-Slav The Caro-Slav pawn structure is easily one of the most common pawn structures in chess and arguably the most important. White's initiative to take over the center of the board must be disrupted. Though Black must act quickly, his execution must be thoughtful and efficient. (Intermediate and Advanced)

Pawn Structure 101: The Caro-Slav 2  We know you are starting to feel the burn! Regardless, let's keep pumping iron! IM Rensch follows up the first Caro-Slav video with a another on White's perspective of this classic pawn structure. Pay close attention. Knowing the correct play on the fifth rank, between the c, d and e files is crucial to White's success. (Intermediate)

Pawn Structure 101: The Caro-Slav 3 With so much of the Caro-Slav left to cover, we now turn our attention to the other side of the board. More important, IM Rensch highlights Black's opportunity on the fifth rank and key differences between c5 and e5. (Intermediate)

Pawn Structure 101: The Caro-Slav 4 It happens to the best of us. You run into an opponent without a membership and is therefore unprepared on the Caro-Slav pawn structure. Time to flex those muscles and put your knowledge to work. White continues to trade off pieces without having taken advantage of the center. IM Rensch is going to show you how to punish them, as the black player, for neglecting to watch his epic video series. (Intermediate)

Pawn Structure 101: The Caro-Slav 5  Time for a water break. Sit back and relax as IM Rensch puts two heavyweights of the chess world on display. Anand and Shirov demonstrate just how important having the proper knowledge of the Caro-Slav formation is. (Intermediate)

Pawn Structure 101: The Caro-Slav 6 Understanding pawn structure is important for any player, of course. Yet, understanding how an opening progresses into the Caro-Slav formation is also important. As you will see here, Black must take precautions to not fall too far behind in development, but White must also avoid being to greedy with the center of the board. (Intermediate)

Pawn Structure 101: The Caro-Slav Finale! Finally! The Caro-Slav finale! If you think you know everything, think again. IM Rensch shares new information in this conclusion to what has been an outstanding video series on the Caro-Slav pawn structure. (Advanced)

Pawn Structure 101: Scheveningen Intro! IM Rensch is finally back with more invaluable information on pawn structures. This time he focuses on Scheveningen (say that five times fast) or Open Sicilian pawn structures that you e4 players love to avoid. (Advanced)

Pawn Structure 101: Scheveningen 2 -- White's g4 After watching the first video, you are now excited about White's play on the light squares. In the second installment of the Scheveningen pawn structure, we kick it up a notch. IM Rensch illustrates here the aggressive advantages of a g4 pawn storm, but not everything is rainbows and lollipops for White. A tale of caution follows in his second game example that is crucial to furthering your education on pawn structures. Do not miss this video! (Advanced)

Pawn Structure 101: Scheveningen 3 -- Modern Ideas A modern classic here. This game, analyzed by IM Rensch, demonstrates a perfect example of versatile threats posed by the Scheveningen pawn structure! (Advanced)

Pawn Structure 101: Scheveningen 4 -- Knightmares Now you are just showing off! IM Rensch walks you through two of his own games in which White was able to sacrifice a knight and still come out victorious.  (Advanced)

Pawn Structure 101: Scheveningen 5 -- Black's Ideas Once again, it is time to flip things around. Now that we have seen White's clear advantages in the Scheveningen pawn structure, IM Rensch can open your eyes to some strategies for Black. To do that, Daniel will use the efforts of perhaps the most successful player in history on the black side of the board, Gary Kasparov! (Advanced)

Pawn Structure 101: Scheveningen 6 -- e4 Central Pressure  Some more Open Sicilian pawn structures. IM Rensch drives home some final points about White's ability to establish kingside pressure. Test your knowledge: What square is Black racing for control over before White's attack is too overwhelming? (Advanced)

Pawn Structure 101: Scheveningen 7 -- White's Slow Play! The beast from Baku loves nothing more than to punish an insufficient kingside attack. The flaws of hesitant play by White on the f-file here should be well documented. IM Rensch observes a stroke of brilliance by Kasparov, who uses the Najdorf to expose a poorly timed pawn storm. (Advanced)

Pawn Structure 101: Scheveningen 8 -- Tactical Finale! In conclusion, watch as IM Rensch reviews and summarizes the Scheveningen pawn structure, its critical breakthroughs and various strategies for Black and White. Also, you will see more tactical potential for White. Using two of his own games against world-class opponents, IM Rensch highlights the importance of execution and careful consideration when White sacrifices on e6. (Advanced)

Pawn Structure 101: Intro to the English and Yugoslav Attacking Formations By now you are familiar with the importance of an opening's progression into various pawn structures. In this video, IM Rensch introduces more "little guy" formations to the family. Most prevalent is the English attack formation. Like other complex pawn structures, the English and Yugoslav attacks are realized after the exchange of pawns on opposite files. (Intermediate and Advanced)

Pawn Structure 101: the Caro-Slav and Anand's Brilliance! The lightning kid himself blessed us with his presence back in 2013. After some extraordinary video analysis from the world champion, we came to realize that IM Rensch was truly right about the importance of understanding pawn structures. Watch now as one of the best chess players the world has ever seen puts to use the c5 break in the Caro-Slav formation as Black.  (Intermediate and Advanced)

Pawn Structure 101: Yugoslav Evolution Part 1 Anyone who has played competitive chess before has run into a variety of issues with the dreaded Sicilian Dragon! With its fast-paced, aggressive nature and wide variety of variations, this opening gives the less-experienced players all kinds of headaches. If only those players had the insight IM Rensch shares here about the importance of knowing the pawn structures as an acceptable substitute for opening theory. Oh wait! They do! Here, exclusively on! (Intermediate and Advanced)

Pawn Structure 101: Kamsky's Brilliance!  This time we look at the Scheveningen variety, in a game by the super-GM Gata Kamsky. Watch here, and see how Kamsky used the knowledge from IM Rensch's video series to smash another super-GM! (Intermediate and Advanced)

Pawn Structure 101: Every Opening Explained  IM Rensch will teach you 40 different openings in one video! This timeless video details the game's most important fundamentals. Remember, without pawns your game may move backwards! (Intermediate and Advanced)

Pawn Structure 101: Chain Reactions Part 1

IM David Pruess "pinch-hits" for Daniel Rensch's "Pawn Structure 101" series. David kick starts by highlighting the attacking principles available to white in the "Chain and Wedge Formations". Whether you prefer sacrificing on h7, breaking through with f5, or slowly grinding the open files -- David is here to take you there!

Pawn Structure 101: Chain Reactions Part 2

IM David Pruess follows up his first Pawn Structure 101 video with a "counterpoint", clearly displaying all of black's attacking resources in a race position based around the pawn chains. Learn to develop an assault based on the pawn structure of your position!

Pawn Structure 101: Chain Reactions 3: Quiz!

IM David Pruess has been arming you with knowledge in his first two videos,and now it is time to see whether or not you paid any attention. Good luck!

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