It's Birthday Time!

It's Birthday Time!

| 23

At your age, people expect you to be immature and delinquent... Disappoint them.

              — A Wise Man

Hello again! It's nice to see you back reading my posts. If you read the title, you would know that it's my BIRTHDAY today! To be exact, It's September 10th! (We're not gonna talk about the history event that's 1 day away from my birthday...) It's a special day and this blog will be as fun as it gets! I will be covering my chess story, from then to now!

Book 1

Chapter 1: New Beginnings

So, if you check my profile you will see that I created my account on the 21st of February, 2021. It's been 2 years and a half since I started playing chess! All the way from 400 to 1500. I didn't start socializing here til May 2021, When I Joined my first club, The Chess Commanders

This was the first time I discovered about clubs, it was from my good friend @rivuchess, he was the co-owner at the time. I was a silly little member but I thought these coordinator, admin and super admin ranks were pretty interesting, so I asked the owner what I needed to do to gain these ranks. And he told me I had to be active and contribute to the club. And I did just that! He gave me the coordinator rank for the first time and I was very pleased, I kept contributing more then I got admin. Then finally in the end I got super admin, but then something terrible happened.

The owner of the club suddenly vanished from this website. He closed his accounts, we had a few suspect accounts on our watchlist that seemed like him. We were right, they were him but soon after we confronted him he closed those accounts and never came back again. Rivu became the owner and I became the co-owner, soon after the old owner left this website, Chess Commanders became dead and became a ghost town of members. Some were inactive, some didn't have the time and found no need to revive the club.

This was also the time I first met @Don, the famous top blogger known for his incredible thumbnail-making skills! He probably doesn't remember, since it was a long time ago and my user used to be @Bidilz but I still remember him.

If you're wondering who the previous owner was, his name was @ChessKey101 I still remember the days when he was on this website. He might still be on but on a secret account, Who knows...

Book 1

Chapter 2: It's Clubbin Time

During this era, between May 2021 and January 2022, I was obsessed with getting into clubs, contributing, and getting ranks. Some of you might know The Chess Mafia. A Club that was owned by my good friend @Rauf-us_Sabid. There were tons of memories there but it has since gone inactive. The Chess Mafia was the club I was the most active in for a while. We did some truth and dares, and other old minigames.

Some of you may know Parrottopia, the club owned by @noImaparrot and co-owned by me. We had a whole anime story plot, we had enemy aliens and a whole parrot army, and I also had my own nation. It was a great arc for me and it was very fun to make up everything 😂😂

Overall I just started joining a bunch of clubs, I was obsessed with ranking up, and made tons of memories.

Book 1

Chapter 3: The Chess Break

If you've been my friend since pre-2022, you would know I took a long break between early 2022 all the way to mid-late 2022. (around September or August or so) This was because I had been tilting tons of ratings, and cried every time I lost a chess game. So I decided to get good and take a break. It was 7 months but felt like a month. Since then I've been back in the game and hit my peaks in time controls and such. This was a relaxing chapter for me.

Book 1

Chapter 4: Troll Era

This was when I started becoming a half-troll, I was a little devious and was alot less innocent before this chapter. This era started when I joined @Lightning's Lightning Bolts club. There were tons of friendly trolls I met there like @frog, @Rodgy, @LazyDog24, etc. I also discovered the Puzzle Patzers and met @Duck there. I met alot of the friends that I currently still am talking with in this chapter. This was the best era in my experience, it was so much more fun to just talk with trolls rather than people that are serious in my opinion (Not to offend the serious people)

We're getting closer and closer to the present times!

Book 1

Chapter 5: Re-Blogging!

If you've been my friend since 2021, you would know I posted some goofy blogs, There were a few educational ones like How to do Ladder checkmates etc., but there were also some troll ones. I put a link to an article that teaches you everything to become good at chess, the funny thing is... It was a fake link and led to a rickroll... I soon deleted all my old pre-2022 blogs after I first participated in the BlogChamps competition. I am still blogging to this day after 9 months, and I still find it fun.

Book 1

Chapter 6: A Long Break (Again)

Soon after I posted How To Get Good At Blogging I took a long break from chess socializing, and chess in general... I just used all this time to take a 3-month break to relax my mind again. Things were getting a little crazy in this community at that time. I had lots of fun doing other stuff while in this break.

Book 1

Chapter 7: Present Day Drama

It's the present day now, between July and September tons of stuff has happened. BlogChamps season 4 starting, Another new generation of bloggers such as @TheChessKnight2000, and more people becoming top bloggers. And also COC/CR and collab?? like ok but I don't understand what clash of clans has to do with chess 😐

Another event happened a few days ago, the changing of club UI. This has been in beta for a few months but just 3 days ago they started rolling the update out to non-beta users, which kinda sucks cuz the UI looks ugly in my opinion. There are tons of protests and needs to listen to their community more.

Book 2

Chapter 1: How I Learnt Chess

If you're wondering why there's a second book, that's because the first one told you about my social experience with, now I will start talking about the chess experience.

My first chess game was played on the 22nd of February, 2021. The link to the game is here.

This was actually a pretty funny game, I missed M3 two or three times and my opponent just hung everything like your average 100 elo player 🔥🔥🔥

If you're wondering how I ACTUALLY learnt chess, I told my dad in early 2021 that I was interested in chess, I liked to watch him play bullet or blitz and it looked complex but fun. I knew how the pieces moved but all I knew was how to make a pyramid... (this knowledge was from 2017, and I still had that knowledge stuck in my head for 4 years!) So he taught me all the basics and fundamentals of chess, which is probably the reason why I started at around the 400 - 800 level. Pretty good for a beginner if you ask me! I also reached the rating of 1000 within a few months but then my growth rates started to decrease drastically, due to the higher and higher quality of chess my opponents were playing.

Book 2:

Chapter 2: Middle o' my career

I would consider the middle of my chess career between Mid-2022 to mid-Late-2022. I was at the rating of 1305 rapid, (This didn't change til around November-December) I was at the rating of 1343 (This also didn't change for a while, I am guessing this is around the timeline of Book 1 Chapter 3) and a bullet rating of 1506 (Yea, this proves that I was taking a break at the time, it was after 8 months I started chess again, took a break between January and September as I said)

If you're wondering why I'm not showcasing a game, it's because I can't find one from this era 😔

Book 2:

Chapter 3: Peak of the Rating Mountain

We're moving on to my experience right here, right now. I reached my peak in rapid a week ago, I am currently regaining a rating from my bullet tilt, and my blitz is kind of average...

So far, it's not been that bad, especially with all the bullet streaks I'm getting and how high my rapid could get if I played rapid more.

Here's a game I played a few days ago. After that, we're ending the post here (I hope you weren't expecting more! There's not much I can think of to write)

This was a very interesting game! It had its blunders and good moves, In the end, it was an easy rook vs. king endgame that you should know by now (If you don't, you should definitely learn it, it takes a lot more skill than ladder mating!)

The End!

I will have to end it here, I hope you enjoyed this and also please wish me a happy birthday in the comments 🥺🥳 Without further ado, I'll see you in my next one. Peace! ✌🏻

(Please don't say I copied @Duck cuz it might be the same idea but it's my birthday so I thought this would be the best time to tell my story)