Tactics(part 1)
Angaraj Bordoloi

Tactics(part 1)

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A major part of chess is tactics. Without tactics it is impossible to win material or checkmate you opponent. There are many tactics some are helpful in middle games and some in end game but to win you need to know all of them. So I have decided to tell all important tactics into 3 parts. So, in today's part I have list all common tactics and it ideas how to prevent them and also examples.

So let's start our journey - 

1) Pin - In this tactics we put our long range piece such that it makes our opponents piece that can't move and if our opponent did respond to the pin then we put more pressure on the pin piece so that we can capture it therefore gaining advantages. Remember if we pin something to the king than that piece is not movable and it is called absolute pin. Eg-

Here the bishop was pining the night to queen and white didn't respond so white loose the piece.
It is a absolute pin.
We can sometimes leave the higher value piece hanging when we have a threat like checkmate.

2) Fork - This is tactics in which a minor piece attack two pieces at once and win it. Eg-

This is an example in which black didn't respond to the white Knight that was threating fork. So black loose a rook.
Pawn can also able to fork in endgame and win material.

3) Skewer - It is a tactics where higher value piece or the king is in front and the lower value piece is in the back. So, we attack the higher value piece and then we win the lower value piece.

In this example we win a full queen by skewering the king and the queen.
In this example we Skewer the rook and bishop

4) Decoy/Deflection - It is a tactics in which a piece is defending a another piece but we sac a piece to get the higher value piece as the return.

As  you can see that we sac a rook to defect the king and then we grab the queen.
In this example we sac the rook and deflect the king form the square and fork the king and the queen.

5) Hanging piece - It is a tactics where our opponent did not defend a particular piece. So, we win it.

In this example black hang the Knight and loose material.

In this example the knight had two defenders. So, it was hanging and black took the advantage.

If you want to see the part 2 of Become the King of Tactics then please comment me as yes.

Thank you for reading