simaginfan’s Blog

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Hans Renette's Books On Lasker. A 'Quick' Look.

Hans Renette's Books On Lasker. A 'Quick' Look.

| Jun 25, 2024

Afternoon everyone. Some good news - the Lasker project which I mentioned so long ago has finally been published. Some of my friends already have their copies, which is good to see. Carl Portman - who is doing amazing work for chess in prisons...

What Century Am I In?

What Century Am I In?

| Jun 2, 2024

Afternoon everyone. Although I post chess from the past, I very definitely keep up to date with what is going on in the chess world. I am not one of those who thinks that everything in the past was better, or everything today is better. Goat lists...

A Puzzle And A Simaginfan Chain Of Thought

A Puzzle And A Simaginfan Chain Of Thought

| Apr 7, 2024

Afternoon everyone. Another bit of self-indulgence today .My regular hardy band of readers will know how my head works. One chess idea leads to a stream of games jumping into my head. This week a friend of mine posted a game where I spotted a ni...

Viktor Tietz. A Forgotten Game

Viktor Tietz. A Forgotten Game

| Mar 3, 2024

Afternoon everyone. it's been quite a week here, but I have been able to look at a little bit of chess, so a small blog - mainly to show a forgotten game with a charming finish. Over in the twittersphere a friend posted the picture that the head...

Vienna 1896. A Lost Tournament.

Vienna 1896. A Lost Tournament.

| Feb 4, 2024

Afternoon everyone. Sometimes digging around the side roads of chess history can be frustrating - even in the modern world where there is so much primary source material to be found online. A case in point for me this week! With my head back...

A Chess Biography of Boris Verlinsky

A Chess Biography of Boris Verlinsky

| Nov 19, 2023

This week I got my hands on a book which I have been looking forward to ever since I first heard about the project - this one. My recent readers will be aware of my love of what I call the first Soviet school of chess. My more longstanding on...

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