Celebrating 100k Subscribers on YouTube Party!

Celebrating 100k Subscribers on YouTube Party!

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...and YOU'RE invited! On Wednesday, December 14th at 10am Pacific, I'll be hosting a party on It will be my party. So I can cry if I want to. Laugh if I want to. Play Bullet chess until we drop, if I want to. #yougetit

In honor of's YouTube channel nearing the 100k Subscriber mark, I'll be hosting a "stream-until-I-drop" show that won't end until the subs come home.

Why are we doing this?

Because I have nothing better to do. I'm currently ignoring 72 emails from Erik. And there's nothing he can do to stop me from continuing to do so...

But seriously, Danny, why such a big celebration for YouTube? What's the big deal...

Well, on a personal level, I'm just proud of what it's become. For a long time,'s Youtube channel was, well, a slightly neglected child in our content family . And as the "daddy" of's Content Team, I had to take full responsibility for this through years of expensive therapy, absolving my child of any responsibility so that he/she could fully experience his/her innocence again, and then move on with a healthy, non-victimized attitude about life and blossom into all he/she could be...

What changed with's YouTube channel?

Well, we changed! The truth is, for the first few years at, we were so focused on providing great videos for our premium members, that we forgot about the world outside.  Not to say that was a totally bad thing. We never stopped and we still provide awesome, "Diamond Member only" videos right here...

BUT, suddenly in a moment of clarity, we realized it's a cold, "not-so-entertaining" world out there, with very limited options for those looking for some highly educational analysis, with real production value. We knew we had to step our game up and start offering more for all fans of chess - whether they were members of or not!

Did you do it?

Yes, we did! We added Peter Doggers and Mike Klein to do on site interviews, with top players from big events. We invested *exclusive* to YouTube (like my World Championship Analysis videos) videos, and we now offer a healthy balance (like I said, this is about improving our child's health ) of video/live broadcast content on,, AND content just for our premium members.

OK, that's great, but why should I come watch the show?

Free punch and pie!

Since playing a few bullet games against me isn't enough --we're also giving away premium memberships! ten 1-month Diamond Memberships will be given away, whenever the moment hits me! Then, one 1-year Diamond Membership will be given away at the end of the show.

Cool. Where can I watch it?

Though we normally stream to as our hub, Wednesday's show will be directly to YouTube Live, and can, of course, also be found at

At the time of publishing this blog, we have 99,208 Subscribers! Though I expect we'll gain a few more in the next 36 or so hours, I think it's safe to say the stream will need to go for a few hours to make our mark!

BUT if it ends too soon and we get subscribers too quickly, I promise *at least* a 3 hour, epic affair of fun, casual, online, joy. That sounded weird -- it will JUST be chess (I think).

Anyway, come prepared to hang out, have some fun, hopefully you and I we will play a game (or two), and tell your friends where the best place is to find a variety of free chess content on YouTube P -- (no bias whatsoever, obviously ).

PS - I might have some guests join us too...

IM Daniel Rensch

Chief Chess Officer, LLC.

International Master Danny Rensch is best known for his videos and shows - but also writes educational articles, publishes breaking chess news, and organizes the details for's biggest events, like the Grandmaster Blitz Battle Championships, Blitz Death Matches, the National Invitational Championship and more!