The Day Leela Changed Computer Chess
When my "engine-obsessed" teammate -- you know who you are, @Pete -- gave me a heads up that "Danny, you might wanna check out this game!", I reacted as I normally do: "Pete, these are computers here! I'm watching the Sinquefield Cup!"
Turns out I was wrong to assume the best chess on the planet is currently being played in St. Louis.
I hope you enjoy my breakdown of this legendary performance by the machine-learning engine Lc0, nicknamed "Leela." The game was taken from preliminary testing for an upcoming Chess.com computer chess championship event (more on that next week!).
I analyzed the game deeply (well, took a few hours between yesterday and today) to give my thoughts, and provide some (potentially?) instructive takeaways from the queen of computer chess herself: the legendary Leela!
I hope you took your time working through the game above, and check out my video recap here when you get a chance.
Watch Chess Engine Leela vs Chiron: Computer Chess Championship from Chess on www.twitch.tv
Peace, my Chess.comrades.