Wan Shi Tong's Library

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Pokemon Chess

Pokemon Chess

| Jun 4, 2023

Pokemon is a free-roam game where the player goes around a big, vast land trying to find and enslave hundreds of different little creatures, and eventually making those creatures fight for the trainer in battles. All Pokemon are assigned a type, l...

The Blind Chess Cheater

The Blind Chess Cheater

| May 19, 2023

In the past couple of months, we have had our fair share of chess cheating- There was the Hans Niemann cheating allegations, drama at the Flordia State Championships, and the male Kenyan player who pretended to be a woman.  This story is no...

Chess.com Bought By Eccentric Billionaire

Chess.com Bought By Eccentric Billionaire

| Apr 1, 2023

As you may have heard, Erik is stepping down as CEO, and they were looking for a replacement. For a short time, Anish Giri held that spot. But Elon Musk, the eccentric chess-hating billionaire, saw this and saw an opportunity. He did not just want...

My 2023 Daily Chess Championship

My 2023 Daily Chess Championship

| Feb 13, 2023

New years day is the beginning of a brand new 12 months. For some, it is the day to party hard, or it could be the time to make resolutions that break quicker then Elon Musk's ego. But to me, January first was the day that the 2023 chess.com daily...

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