My best English opening game! 27.10.2015

My best English opening game! 27.10.2015

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Hey everybody! My name is Bendix Perschk, and I am a 21 year old student of economics at the University of Münster, Münster, Germany. I am a nice guy, though sometimes very manipulative; I am always deeply analysing any situations that arise in my life and I have deeper views on many issues, be it economical, political, but also on the day-to-day analysis of dealing with my pals. I am also often times kind of an introvert who thinks about himself a lot. Bottom line: I love to analyse. And I love to play. What could be more fun for a person like me than playing chess? It requieres intelligence, deep understanding, psychology, creativity, basically all of my strengths.

Chess is a huge passion of mine. I like the thrill of breaking someone's ego (admittedly, this goes back to the great Bobby Fischer, but hey, what would make for a better description of your passion that a quote from the all time greatest), I like provocing my openents. I have a razor sharp, Tal-Nakamura-like sacrificial style and therefore I often take too great risks and let the oppenent easily overextend my position. It is almost like if I see an interesting sacrifice I am going to play it no matter what - because hey you only live one life, so enjoy it and take risks!! (I am also a great advocate of the Kasparovian culture of how chess imitates life - but that is a different topic).


Today, after many years of trying to create an awesome game (and playing countless absolutely miserable ones), I think I have now created a masterpiece and I would love to hear if anyone shares my view. I am thankful for any criticism. I am writing so enthusiastically, since I can still feel the adrenaline from that game :) Here we go. I was white.