This Is Classified Chess Information...

This Is Classified Chess Information...

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Are you ready to make 2021 your breakthrough chess year?

Perhaps you set a New Year's Resolution of 'gain over 200 rating points'.

Maybe your New Year's Resolution was 'win the big Championship event later this year'.

I know exactly what you need to do to be one of the top 8% who achieve their New Year's Resolutions (and that's not counting the majority who don't even set goals at the start of the year).

However, as you may have guessed...this is classified information.

I am teasing you a bit, but think about've listened to your chess friends for a while on how to improve at chess. How much has that helped you?

You've read lots of people's posts, watched lots of Youtube videos on chess, maybe even asked for help on some free online chess groups or Forums. Again - did that make you a much stronger player in 2020?

If it did - then congratulations! That means that you're going to improve even faster from my classified chess information, because you're already a strong student with the momentum behind you to keep learning, improving and winning.

On the subject of this classified chess information, I will now explain my pun.

You probably picked up on the 'classified information' as my Grandmaster secrets - the lessons I've learned on how to improve at chess, and my exclusive training material that will make you a stronger chess player.

However, there's another level to it - I've gone through my past posts and writing, and classified every part of it into chess themes and topics!

This means that you can improve any area of your chess, by simply clicking a theme and then reading the posts on that theme.

This classification system (the other meaning of 'classified information') gives you a curriculum to master every element of chess, and this classification is only getting better and better as more content is shared!

Find out more by watching my video below:

The best part is, you can see a sample of my exclusive chess content for free, by clicking the button below.

Get Instant Access To GM Max's Classified Chess Material!

Make sure to bookmark the page, as this Patreon page doubles up as my new chess blog, where I will be sharing daily posts on chess and chess improvement. 

If you enjoy my blog posts and find them helpful, you're going to love the paid subscription, which unlocks my chess blogs, puzzles and Grandmaster chess analysis - everything you need to improve your chess every day, under my guidance.

I give you exactly what to study every day to achieve your 2021 chess New Year's Resolutions!

Unlock Your Grandmaster Chess Learning Portal Today!

See you on the inside!

Your Coach,

GM Max Illingworth

Are You An Australian Chess Player Who Wants A 1600+ Rating In The Next 12 Months?

I'm looking for 10 private students who:

- Are passionate about chess;

- Are based in Australia;

- Are rated below 1600 Elo (translates to 1700 blitz, or 1800 rapid);

- Want to improve your chess as quickly, efficiently, and enjoyably as possible;

Once I reach my limit of 10 students, I won't be accepting any more private students. 

To discover more about how I can help you improve your play and subsequently, raise your chess ratings quickly, send me an email at, or direct message me on Facebook: 


The First Coach Of The Month