The Evergreen Game
The chess game the world will never forget.

The Evergreen Game

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Hello everyone! In this post I will Analyze one of the famous chess game won by Adolf Anderssen against Jean Dufresne in Berlin, 1852. This game was played the year after The immortal game.

This is their game. Adolf Anderssen is White and Jean Dufresne is Black.

Moves 1-4

1.e4 e5  2.Nf3 Nc6  3.Bc4 Bc5 => Giuoco Piano game.

4.b4 Bxb4 => White decides to play Evan's gambit, sacrifice a pawn to make the pieces bring out faster. White has compensation.

Moves 5-7

5.c3 Ba5  6.d4 => White has beautiful pawns center.

6...exd4  7.O-O => White wanted to castle and develop the pieces quickly.

7...d3 => Black give back a pawn to white. The idea of ​​this move is to not want white to play 8.exd4 in the next move and white couldn't develop a knight to c3. Or black may play 7...dxc3 white will continue with 8.Qb3 attack c3 and f7 pawns. However, the most popular moves in this position is 7...Nge7.

Moves 8-10

8.Qb3 Qf6 => White develop a queen to attack f7 pawn. So black defense with Qf6.

9.e5! Qb6 => White set a trap with 9.e5! If Black play 9...Nxe5?? white will play 10.Re1 after 10...d6 11.Bg5 Qf5 12.Nxe5 dxe5 13.Qb4+ and 14.Rxe4 is coming, white is clearly wins. So black can't capture a pawn and need to move a queen.

10.Re1 Nge7 => Both side are develop pieces.

Moves 11-14

11.Ba3 b4? => Black want to bring a rook to open b-file but I think black should castle now.

12.Qxb5 Rb8  13.Qa4 Bb6 => Black can't castle in 13th move because if black play 13...O-O?? white will play 14.Bxe7 black recapture with 14...Nxe7 and white can capture free bishop on a5.

14.Nbd2 Bb7? => Black should castle immediately because black King is being attacked coming soon.

Moves 15-18

15.Ne4 Qf5?? =>This move that loses a tempo. The best move for black is 15...d2! Causing white knight to come down to capture a pawn and the black will castle immediately.

16.Bxd3 => white threatened to discovered check with 17.Nf6+.

16...Qh5 17.Nf6+!? => White forced black to exchange on f6. But I think the best move for white is 17.Ng3 forced black queen to h6 and white will develop a rook with 18.Rad8 and black queen will be heavily threatened after the white plays Bc1 in the next move.

17...gxf6 18.gxf6 => White lose a knight but black knight on e7 was pinned and would be capture by white pawn at any time.

18...Rg8 => Black don't castle and move a rook to open g-file to attack white's kingsite.

Moves 19-24

19.Rad8 Qxf3 => White tricked black to capture a knights on f3 and then came with brilliant sacrifice.

20.Rxe7+! => If black capture a rook, white can force checkmate in 4 moves (as in this game). Which black can play 20...Kd1 but white can sac a rook again with 21.Rxd8+ If black capture 21...Kxd8, white can force checkmate in 6 moves with 22.Bf5+ Ke8 23.Bd7+ Kd8 24.Bxc6+ Kc8 25.Bd7+ Kd8 26.Be7#. Or after 21.Rxd8+ black can declined and play 21...Kc1 and white has already prepared a big surprise with 22.Rd8+!! force black to capture a rook. If black capture with the king, white win the queen with 23.Be2+. If black capture with the rook, white in with 23.gxf3. If black capture with the knight, white force checkmate in 3 moves with 23.Qd7+ Kxd7 24.Bf5+ Ke8(or Kc6) 25.Bd7#.

20...Nxe7 => White can force checkmate in 4 after this move.

21.Qxd7+!! Kxd7  22.Bf5+ => This move is double check and force black king to move.

22...Ke8 => 22...Kc6 is mate in 1 with 23.Bd7#.

23.Bd7 Kf8  24.Bxe7# => White has beautiful checkmate.


After the game was over, the moves were recorded. This game is also very famous and loved by many people and known as "Evergreen game".

Thank for reading and good luck to everyone.