Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Knight Trapped by Bishop, Knight and King

Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Knight Trapped by Bishop, Knight and King

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The initial idea behind this blog was to explore an endgame of Bishop plus Knight versus Knight and whether or not the Knight could be trapped and won--leading to a winning endgame. Although the problem is specific, the ideas are generic, and can be applied to positions with more pieces. However, by limiting the number of pieces on the board we can gain insights that will assist us in more complex scenarios. 

White to move and dominate!

Success!! Step one taken.
Next we will move to the end of the puzzle. Sometimes it is easier to see a desired end state and mentally work backwards towards the full solution. I have found this true quite often when I have a desired end state, for example checkmate. Then I can think backwards to where the position currently is to achieve the solution.
Follow these puzzles and decide if that technique might work for some instances. There are certainly cases where it is simply "in your face" obvious what the strongest moves are, but those are usually simple cases as well.
As you observe the puzzle below the question is, "How does White make progress?" You can simplify this if you ask yourself, "Which White pieces can move and still keep the Black Knight trapped on a4? Without losing any White material!"
Now let's take a look at a way for White to go wrong. By analyzing what can go wrong, one then knows which moves to avoid!
White just played 6...Ne5. How should Black respond?

Ok, we've completed 3 steps in our 7-step program!

1. We know the first step towards victory...assuming you are comfortable mating with B+N versus K.

2. We know how to finally slam the trap closed and win the grim rim Knight on a4.

3. We just learned a move we should NOT make while trying to close the trap.

Next we ask ourselves, "If 6.Ne5? lets Black have a draw, what move should we play?" 

In the starting position below (later you will demonstrate how to get there) White has placed his King optimally to capture Black's Knight. But cannot complete the process because moving his King closer to the grim Knight would allow the Black King to land on d5. When the Black Knight would be freed from prison.
Time to bring in reinforcements. But what is the narrow path you must find?

All that's left is to figure out the best way to advance the White King towards the Knight stranded on a4. After all, the King is the only piece that can capture the Knight!!

We've seen alpha, we've seen omega. Time to put beginning, middle and end together and demonstrate to your own satisfaction that, "This stuff is easy!!"

What did we learn?
1. In some circumstances a Bishop can dominate a Knight on the rim.
2. But it requires another piece to actually apply the fatal blow to that grim Knight.
3. In the previous blog, Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Knight Trapped by Bishop + Pawn we saw how a pawn can serve to apply the fatal blow. IF the pawn is on the correct square.
4. In this blog we see that sometimes the King is necessary to serve as the executioner.
5. Precision is required.
Related blogs: You can find links to an entire series of blogs about trapping various pieces at: 
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Knight Trapped by Bishop + Pawn -
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Knight Trapped by Rook Part 1 of 2 -
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Knight Trapped by Rook Part 2 of 2 -
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Knight Trapped by Knight -
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Knight Trapped by Pawns -
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Bishop Dominated by Pawns Part 1 of 5 -
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Bishop Dominated by Pawns Part 2 of 5 -
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Bishop Dominated by Pawns Part 3 of 5 -
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Bishop Dominated by Pawns Part 4 of 5 -
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Bishop Dominated by Pawns Part 5 of 5 -
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Bishop Dominated by Rook + Pawn -
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Epaulette Configuration -
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Fianchettoed Rook -
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Knights and Foot Soldiers Hunting Her Majesty -
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: A Beautiful Loss -
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Boden Configuration -
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Said the Spider to the Fly -
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: My Experience Writing a Chess Book -

Some key blogs:

Secrets of Trapping Pieces: One Blog to Link Them All Provides links to all 2023 blogs I produced about trapping pieces.

KIMPLODES! Explosive Analysis Approach--Break it up, baby! First in a series of 2024 blogs that offer an approach to analysis based loosely on prior work by others such as IM Silman.

Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Anastasia's Mate First in a series of 2024 blogs on the secrets of trapping pieces with an emphasis on puzzles to test your skill at solving various mating configurations such as a Suffocation Mate, Arabian Mate, etc.