1st Lesson
In order to complete your first lesson follow the steps (starting in home page):
- mouseover Learn menu -> click on Lessons
- there are 2 tabs in the upper part of the window, make sure you are on Guide
- the first group of lessons you will see are in the New to Chess (How to Play) category and it's called How to Move the Pieces
- click on it and you will see 8 lessons
- click on the first one (The King and the Goal), watch the video if you need and click on Start Challenges
- after you had gone through all of the challenges, you finished your first lesson, obtaining the 1st Lesson achievement
Note: I just directed you to the first lesson from the chess.com guide, but it works if you access any of them, as long as you do all the challenges within a lesson.
Here is the link that takes you there directly.
Click here to return to the main blog page.