Achievements Leaderboard

Achievements Leaderboard

| 46

This is the list of the best achievers on!

In collaboration with my good friend @kAtalan_csaT (who came up with the idea) we will keep this updated for players that have 120 or more achievement points (out of a maximum of 136).


  1. 136 - TripleA-A-A
  2. 136 - Phiro
  3. 135 - Nightwish85
  4. 135 - Steven-ODonoghue
  5. 134 - nickhenny
  6. 133 - pjlythe
  7. 133 - technical_knockout
  8. 132 - Lexhibition
  9. 132 - LeeEuler
  10. 130 - Gymstar074600
  11. 129 - Evarez
  12. 128 - Copernicus9
  13. 128 - kAtalan_csaT
  14. 128 - ea914
  15. 127 - KingsBishop
  16. 125 - jithukrishna04
  17. 124 - chuppecat
  18. 124 - adhirajGM2025
  19. 123 - manuel3082
  20. 123 - Tamtaramtamtam
  21. 123 - shnitez
  22. 122 - Bayi1983
  23. 120 - Andrew67275
  24. 120 - Wind
  25. 120 - el008

Note: the positions in the leaderboard are determined by the number of achievement points and by chronological order in which they were obtained

If you know anyone that should be on this list, let us know in the comments below!

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