Daily games

Daily games

Avatar of Nightwish85
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In order to get these achievements you need to play many Daily games!

You can either play single live games or join tournaments.
Note: you can play simultaneously as many daily games as you want!

In order to play follow the steps (starting in home page):

1. Single games:

  • mouseover Play menu -> click on Daily Chess
  • in the right menu click Play
  • select how many days per turn each player will have
  • click Play and you will be matched with an opponent
  • keep playing lots of daily games

Here is the link that takes you there directly.

2. Join Tournaments:

  • mouseover Play menu -> click on Tournaments
  • in the Upcoming tab you have a list of tournaments, you can join from here, just choose which one

Here is the link that takes you there directly.

There are 7 overlapping achievements as follows:

  • after playing your first daily game -> you get Daily (1)
  • after playing 5 daily games -> you get Daily (5)
  • after playing 10 daily games -> you get Daily (10)
  • after playing 25 daily games -> you get Daily (25)
  • after playing 100 daily games -> you get Daily (100)
  • after playing 1000 daily games -> you get Daily (1000)
  • after playing 10000 daily games -> you get Daily (10000)

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